1. Error when querying ODATA API entity USER:
"ODATA Execution Error Code: 500-COE_GENERAL_SERVER_FAILURE Internal Server Error-Failed to retrieve result with given criteria.”
3. Query works without the filter criteria, however fails with the above error message when in the filter criteria, any date field is appended.
4. In Boomi(Integration tool) process logs, the error message "Exception during http Transaction: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:" may also be present.
5. In Boomi, the error looks like below-
Boomi unable to query the Odata APIs. Error while querying a custom mdf object. Issues with Odata API's filter criteria. SFSF to BizX Integration , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-BOM , Standard SF to 3rd Party Boomi Content , Problem
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