Symptom 1
- Accessing System Landscape Directory (SLD) fails
Symptom 2
- Bridge Forwarding between two SLDs fails with error: Can not send data to http://<host>:<port>/sld/: 500 Internal Server Error
- Then, accessing URL http://<host>:<port>/sld/ds fails
In both cases, SLD cannot be accessed due to error message below:
500 Internal Server Error Application error occurred during request processing. Details: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/sld/api/util/XmlParserFactory Exception id: [0050569C0B42004D000019E90000D17400055F3BEFE7D898] |
- SAP System based on SAP NetWeaver JAVA;
- System Lanscape Directory (SLD);
- Database independent;
- Operating System Independent;
SAP NetWeaver all versions
An internal error has occurred, Exception,java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, XML input , KBA , BC-CCM-SLD-JAV , System Landscape Directory Java Client & Server , BC-CCM-SLD , System Landscape Directory / Component Repository , Problem
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