Some e-mail domains (e.g.,, don't receive automatically sent e-mail notifications from the Recruiting Module. When sending the notifications manually (ad hoc - using the e-mail button on the application page) the notifications are being received. The issue doesn't occur for all e-mail domains - for example applicants with a gmail account do receive automatically sent e-mail notifications.
Recruiting Management
Reproducing the Issue
- Make sure that a relevant recruiting e-mail template is linked with an applicant status in Admin Tools > Edit Applicant Status configuration
- Move an applicant through the pipeline
- RESULT: The applicant using an yahoo, microsoft or hotmail (can be also another!) account doesn't receive an automatically sent e-mail notification
- The correspondence portlet is proving that the e-mail notification should have been received by the applicant
Some e-mail domains don't accept e-mail notifications if the From e-mail address is blank.
In order to fix the issue, you will have to set up a FROM e-mail address for automatically sent e-mail notifications:
1. Go to Admin Tools > Manage Recruiting > Manage Recruiting Settings
2. In the section "Return Email Address Information" fill the fields: "Return address for system-generated e-mails to candidates" and "Display name":
The automatically sent recruiting notiifcations should be received by applicants using domains which don't accept e-mail without hte "FROM" e-mail address.
KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , Problem