SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2168633 - Void button is not available when executing a custom query.


You have created a custom query (filter) for the view Invoices and Credit Memos, under the Supplier Invoicing work center.

You have noticed that when you execute this query the Void button gets grayed out.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Supplier Invoicing work center
  2. Go to Invoices and Credit Memos view
  3. For the Show field, select a custom query
  4. Select any invoice
  5. See that the Void button is grayed out


This issue occurs because the custom query was not created using the query All Documents as base.

Every button in the screen of the system represents an Event. In other words, when you click on Void, the system triggers the event Void and then the invoice will be voided, however for some queries these events are disabled.

One example is the standard query Invoices – Finished Last 7 Days.
For this one the Void event is disabled because this standard query shows only finished documents. In other words, documents that cannot be voided anymore.

Therefore if you create a custom query using this filter as base, the event will still be disabled, even if you change the query to show documents that can be voided.


In order to have all the options available when executing a custom query, you need to create it using the query All Documents as base.


KBA , AP-PRP , Purchase Request Processing , How To


SAP Business ByDesign 1711