When running the command 'ant runcronjob -Dcronjob="MyCronJob"', where 'MyCronJob' is the code of the CronJob to be ran, an error is encountered:
Class or variable not found: de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.cronjob.CronJobAntPerformableImpl. |
SAP hybris Commerce Suite: All versions up to version 5.5
SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5-1 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.4 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.5 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.6 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.7 ; hybris Commerce Suite 4.8 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.0 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.1
cron job , KBA , CEC-SCC-CLA-ENV-EMG , Environment Management , Problem
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