You are looking for a data source that shows data related to Inventory Aging and it seems that the available one, Inventory Aging (SCMINVAGV01) is showing incorrect data.
SAP Business ByDesign
This report is based on assumption that the materials which came in first are consumed first i.e. inventory net off will happen based on FIFO approach.
Currently, there is a “Confirmation Journal Report” already available which gives details of the incoming/outgoing dates for stock items. The inventory Aging Report is going to make use of this report to calculate the time elapsed in days since the time of incoming entry in the Confirmation Journal till the “TO DATE” of the report.
This report is based on the following assumptions and this report will be helpful for only if you use the FIFO Logic.
- This report is based on assumption that the materials which came in first are consumed first, i.e. inventory net off will happen based on FIFO approach
- This report will give inventory age at site level. It will not calculate age on logistics area level.
- It calculates age of stock from the moment it comes in a site. It disregards inventory age in source site.
If you are not using FIFO logic then the age displayed will be wrong.
This report uses the following parameters. Please provide the following parameters to the report selection:
- End Date: Date in past from which Inventory Age has to be calculated.
- Start Date: Latest date on which Inventory Age is needed.
- Site: Site on which inventory age is needed. This report runs on site level.
Also we have following limitations in this report:
- Stock Transfer Scenario: When a stock transfer happens, an inbound confirmation will be created at receiving site. Since our report is based on confirmations, age of transferred stock in new site will be calculated, based on new confirmation. It does not take into consideration the age of inventory on the source site.
- Physical Inventory Adjustment: In case of annual or periodic inventory count, if the inventory records don’t match with the actual count, an inventory adjustment is done. The question here is: What age will be assigned to the delta inventory? In case there is a higher actual inventory than in the records, increased inventory will be considered to belong to latest period i.e. it will be considered as part of latest confirmation. In case of lesser actual inventory than in records, missing inventory would be considered to belong to earliest period, i.e. it will be considered as part of earliest confirmation.
- Scrap Scenario: Any stock scrap would result in reduction of inventory and this would have to be adjusted in the Inventory count.
The behavior of how inventory aging data source works is explained above.
Further, the The old data source SCMINVAGV01 has been depreciated. Please use the latest data source SCMINVAGV04.
inventory ageing, ageing report, ByD, Business ByDesign, Inventory ageing stock overview, stock overview does not match with inventory ageing , KBA , byd, business bydesign , inventory ageing , ageing report , AP-IP-ANA , Analytics , How To