SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2169579 - On Changing the Date in the Contract->Item ,the Schedule Invoice Request gets Removed


On changing the date in the Contract->Item ,the Schedule Invoice Request gets removed.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Go to the Invoice Requests view.
  3. In the Show field select All Invoice Requests from drop-down and in the Find field enter ABC (where ABC is the Contract ID).
  4. You will find the Schedule Invoice Request PQR (where PQR is Schedule Invoice Request ID) ,reference to Contract ABC with status as To be Invoiced for date XX.YY.ZZZZ for an item LMN.
  5. Now go to the Sales Order work center.
  6. Go to the Contract view and search for the Contract ID ABC.
  7. Edit the Contract ABC and click on the View ALL button.
  8. Go to the Pricing and Invoicing tab and sub tab Invoice Schedule .
  9. Expand line-item LMN and change the date from XX.YY.ZZZZ to XX1.YY1.ZZZZ1 and Save the Contract.
  10. Now go again to Invoice Request view and search for the Schedule Invoice Request PQR.

You will no more find the record for Schedule Invoice Request PQR for date XX.YY.ZZZZ ,nor for the updated date as XX1.YY1.ZZZZ1.


If you change the date within the Contract->Item , the Schedule Invoice Request which exist for an earlier date will get disappear from the Invoice Request view.


This is an expected system behavior.


KBA , AP-SLO , Sales Order Processing , How To


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