Cost Center Association is not working when creating a position. Company is the parent object and Cost Center is the child. Cost Center data is not getting filtered based on the Company while creating a position.
This is working perfectly in Job Information portlet.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to Admin Center;
- Manage Position;
- Create new position;
- Select company;
- Select cost center;
- All cost centers are displayed in the drop down;
- Its not filtering as per the association;
Proper Field criteria is not added in the Position Object definition
You need to add field criteria to the fields corresponding to the associations at a field level on the Position Object, simliar to how it is done at a field level in Job Information.
What is destinationFieldValue?
Q) When specifying the destinationFieldValue, which field should be defined?
A) The Parent Object field on the Position Object Deffintion.
Example -:
destinationFieldValue="company" = Value Help will be performed base on the selection made in the “company” field. The “company” field is the Parent field in this association relationship. The field being pointed to, must be the same object that you are pointing to in the Child objects association configuration.
What is sourceFieldName?
Q) When specifying the sourceFieldName, which field should be defined?
A) In “sourceFieldName” you must define typically the “Association_Name . Parent Object internalCode field name” but this is not always the case. The below example is of a GO to GO association.
GO to GO
Q) What value, do we use in the “sourceFieldName” condition?
A) You must define the “Association_Name . Parent Object internalCode field name”
The Assoication Name is taken from the assoication on the Child object pointing towards the parent object.
When it is an association between GO and GO you always need to use the “Name” value of the Database Field Name “internalCode”. For Foundation Objects migrated to MDF this is typically named “InternalId”. But, for custom Generic Objects, this could be different. Typically, a custom Generic Object is created, the Database Field Name “internalCode” has the default Name “mdfSystemInternalCode” instead of “internalId” but note - the Name can be manually changed also, so always check the Parent object if you are unsure what it should be!
Example GO Object to Business Unit, field criteria added to GO object field, on Position:
Q) Can the interalCode "Name" value be changed to a custom name value?
A) Yes. You can change the "Name" value for the "internalCode" field. Please refer to the Objects configuration for the correct field Name to use
FO to FO
Q) What value do we use in the “sourceFieldName” condition?
A) When it is an association between FO and FO you always need to use the code/ID of the Child Object.
Example FO Object to Location, field criteria added to FO object field, on Position:
FO to GO
Q) Which value do we use in the “sourceFieldName” condition?
A) When it is an association between FO and GO you always need to use the code/ID of the Child Object.
Example FO Object to Department, field criteria added to FO object field, on Position:
GO to FO
Q) Which field on the Parent object, do we use in the “sourceFieldName” condition?
A) You must define the “Association_Name . Parent Object externalCode”
The Association Name is taken from the association on the Child object pointing towards the parent object.
For legacy Foundation Objects, the system will match values using the “externalCode” field in the Wrapper objects. For example, as this would be a Wrapper object, externalCode field is configured as type “Foundation Object” and points to the Parent legacy Foundation Object.
Example FGO Object to Location, field criteria added to GO object field, on Position:
See Also
2287729 - Employee Central - Object Association FAQ
Generic Object Association, Position association, Position filtering, association, parent, child, source, destination , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-POS , Position Management , Problem