You have an issue with XML processing due to dimensionless unit of mesure conversion. You notice that XML goes into error in SRM side (in transaction SXMB_MONI or /N/SAPPO/PPO2) and the document is not created or updates in the SRM side. You notice that the error of units conversion is thrown in function unit_conversion_simple_old.
In most of the cases the root cause is that the document has different Unit of Measure - UOM in the Price or schedule line XML tags. Those units are dimension less and the conversion cannot take place in the above mentionned function.
- Supplier Relationship Management - SRM 5.0 and on
- ESA / ESOA Interfaces
- SUS - Supplier Self Service
PMENE, MENEE, MM2SUSOrderCreate, dimension less units, Unit of Measure, UOM , unit_conversion_simple_old , MM_EDI_ME_EDI , MM_EDI_ORDER_OUT , KBA , SRM-EBP-ESA , Enterprise Services , SRM-SUS , Supplier Self-Services , Problem
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