- SAP Basis release independent
- SAP GUI and ECL Viewer version independent
- ArchiveLink related settings:
- in transaction OAG1
- the Doc Display as Dialog Box is not enabled
AND - in the Windows Viewer Settings the Use HTML Control radio button is selected (beside the fact that ECL Control is activated or not)
- the Doc Display as Dialog Box is not enabled
- there is no Protocol (transaction OAA3) in effect for the here used Content Repository (tr. OAC0) and Document Class (tr. OAD2) which modifies the opening of the business document
- in transaction OAG1
SDV_VIEWER, ARCHIVELINKDIALOG, IMC_NO_MODE_MEMORY, CL_IMC_MODE===================CP, RFC, SM04, STAD, Taskhandler, profile parameters, signal handler, remote dialog, resources, SARFC, RFC with pictures, RFC, GUI, F3, BEx Query Designer, SBWP, IW53, AC_FLUSH_CALL_INTERNAL, LOLEAU10, SYSTEM_FAILURE, Dispatching, Request Queue, Events, sapstartsrv, dynamic, parameters, crash, stuck, IMC, Inter-mode communication, dyInterModusCommPoss, FB03, Kernel, Upgrade, IMC mode communication, limitation of singleton instance , KBA , oaad , oag1 , gos , doc display as dialog box , dialog box container , BC-SRV-ARL , ArchiveLink , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , BC-SRV-GBT-GOS , Generic Object Services , Problem
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