- Open Switch creates a log file. The size of the log file is defined by MAX_LOGSIZE. A big log file is not possible because of the limitations of Open Switch which is only available in 32 bits). If MAX_LOGSIZE is reached: the log file is renamed to old and a new log file is started.
- The old log file grows. When the log file has been rotated the old file grows just as fast as the new log file. This happens only at the first time.
- Filesystem is full. After rotation, the old file seems to be the right size. But the file continues to grow in the background and grows until the filesystem is full. The file is not correct deleted because it is still in use by Open Switch. This is seen by the commands : df lsof | grep <(><<)>log file old> ( df - report file system disk space usage lsof - list open files ). When the file system is full,Open Switch has to be restarted to free thedisk usage. New log is not written to the log file.
- SAP Sybase OpenSwitch 15.1 EBF23418 ESD#8
- Linux x64
Sybase Open Switch 15.1
Openswitch, file rotation, MAX_LOGSIZE , KBA , BC-SYB-SWT , Openswitch , How To
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