- Observing a long running transaction in ASE.
- Querying syslogs hold shows long running transaction (in this example, spid 395):
select * from syslogshold
dbid reserved spid page xactid masterxactid starttime name xloid
------ ----------- ------ ---------- -------------- -------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
10 0 395 44341015 0x1797a4020700 0x000000000000 May 12 20XX 9:32AM $del 790
- There is no IO or CPU movement on spid 395.
- In this example, sysprocesses shows cpu has a value of 4 and physical_io has 0:
select * from master..sysprocesses where spid = 395
spid kpid enginenum status suid hostname program_name hostprocess cmd cpu physical_io memusage blocked dbid uid gid tran_name time_blocked network_pktsz fid execlass priority affinity id stmtnum linenum origsuid block_xloid clientname clienthostname clientapplname sys_id ses_id loggedindatetime ipaddr nodeid
------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------
395 668009160 3 runnable 5 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 3277 DELETE 4 0 7 0 10 1 0 $del NULL 512 0 EC2 MEDIUM syb_default_pool 1368857408 51 335 NULL 0 0 0 May 12 20XX 9:32AM xx.xx.xx.xx NULL
- Repeating the query a minute later shows the cpu and physical_io values have not changed for this spid:
select * from master..sysprocesses where spid = 395
spid kpid enginenum status suid hostname program_name hostprocess cmd cpu physical_io memusage blocked dbid uid gid tran_name time_blocked network_pktsz fid execlass priority affinity id stmtnum linenum origsuid block_xloid clientname clienthostname clientapplname sys_id ses_id loggedindatetime ipaddr nodeid
------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------
395 668009160 3 runnable 5 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 3277 DELETE 4 0 7 0 10 1 0 $del NULL 512 0 EC2 MEDIUM syb_default_pool 1368857408 51 335 NULL 0 0 0 May 12 20XX 9:32AM xx.xx.xx.xx NULL
- Querying syslocks does not show any locks for the spid:
1> select * from syslocks where spid = 395
2> go
id dbid page type spid class fid context row loid partitionid nodeid
----------- ------ ---------- ------ ------ ------------------------------ ------ ------- ------ ----------- ----------- ------
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.x
zombie, hung , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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