- Complex table locations-Data query consists of several UNION statements
- The last part of it does heavy comparison and with big data amount it results in very slow performance.
- Example:
~~~~~~~~~Issue Example~~~~~~~
Just before creating the report in DB developer - after 408 seconds we stopped it and it shows:
Locations count = 554508
LocHierarchy count = 1165915
sycloLocUp count = 556793
SycloSiteUsers count = 21
Server: Agentry 6.0.48, Maximo back-end
~~~~~~end Example~~~~~~~~~~~
- Agentry 6.0.48
- SAP Work Manager for Maximo 7.5.2
Agentry 6.0 ; Syclo SMART Work Manager 7.0.3 for Maximo
SAPWMMx, ctLOC , KBA , MOB-SYC-IBM , Syclo Mobility for IBM backend , Problem
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