How the Replication Server can be configured to allow the DSI connection to retry to connect automatically to destination database ?
When an ASE dataserver which is the destination of a replication system is stopped, and the Replication Server who is connecting to this ASE is not down, the DSI connection will try to reconnect automatically every 2mn to the destination database.
During this situation, in most of the case the DSI connection will report the following message in the errorlog of the Replication Server:
ERROR #1027 DSI(168 DEST_ASE.CUSTOMER_DB) - seful/cm.c(5231)
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 84083972, Severity 5 -- 'ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed', Operating System error 22 -- 'Socket connect failed - errno 22 Invalid argument'.
ERROR #13045 DSI(168 DEST_ASE.CUSTOMER_DB) - seful/cm.c(5236)
Failed to connect to server 'DEST_ASE' as user 'CUSTOMER_DB_maint'. See CT-Lib and/or server error messages for more information.
But sometime, when the ASE server is starting, but the destination database didn't finish recovering, the Replication Server can return a replication error 1028 associated to an ASE error:
ERROR #1028 DSI(164 DEST_ASE.CUSTOMER_DB) - seful/cm.c(3962)
Message from server: Message: 950, State 1, Severity 14 -- 'Database 'CUSTOMER_DB' is currently offline. Please wait and try your command again later.
In this case, the DSI is going down, and the Replication Server will never retry to reconnect automatically.
The DSI connection needs to be restarted manually with the "resume connection" command.
SRS Replication Server 15.x
SRS, Replication Server, 1027, 1028, 745186, retry_forever , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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