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2176656 - Tenant DB uses the same SID with HANA systemdb


You found HDB Daemon stuck initializing status, and HDB webdispatcher was stopped.
In webdispatcher trace you could see the errors as below:

System <SID>: only HTTP used in in EXTSRV, set SSL_ENCRYPT=0
System <SID>: only HTTP used in in EXTSRV, set SSL_ENCRYPT=0
*** ERROR => Configuration conflict between systems <SID> and <SID> [icrxx.c      3157]
*** ERROR => Web Dispatcher forbids multiple systems matching one request:
To allow multiple matching systems refer to the online documentation [icrxx.c      3197]
*** ERROR => ICR: Configuration of backend systems failed: Configuration conflict(-34) [icrxx.c      5271]
*** ERROR => IcrMain: IcrInit failed (rc=-34) [icxxman.c    794]



HANA 1.0 SPS9 and higher


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


SAP Web Dispatcher, wdisp/system_0, MDC, Multitenant Database Containers, system_conflict_resolution, webdispatcher , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To

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