You found HDB Daemon stuck initializing status, and HDB webdispatcher was stopped.
In webdispatcher trace you could see the errors as below:
System <SID>: only HTTP used in in EXTSRV, set SSL_ENCRYPT=0
System <SID>: only HTTP used in in EXTSRV, set SSL_ENCRYPT=0
*** ERROR => Configuration conflict between systems <SID> and <SID> [icrxx.c 3157]
*** ERROR => Web Dispatcher forbids multiple systems matching one request:
To allow multiple matching systems refer to the online documentation [icrxx.c 3197]
*** ERROR => ICR: Configuration of backend systems failed: Configuration conflict(-34) [icrxx.c 5271]
*** ERROR => IcrMain: IcrInit failed (rc=-34) [icxxman.c 794]
HANA 1.0 SPS9 and higher
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
SAP Web Dispatcher, wdisp/system_0, MDC, Multitenant Database Containers, system_conflict_resolution, webdispatcher , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To
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