SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2176879 - Parameter prompt order different in Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1 than in Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.0


  • Prompt order different.
  • Customized parameter order is not retained after upgrade.
  • After migrating reports from SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.0 to 4.1, the parameter order changed.
  • Reports created in Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.0 on BEx Query, Universe, or Stored Procedure, does not have the same prompt order when viewing in Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1 


  • SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.0, create a report off a Universe or a BEx Query that contains multiple variables or prompts.
  2. Change the parameter order on the report.
  3. In Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1, when refreshing the report, it changes the parameter prompt order.


  • In Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.0, when reporting on a BEx Query, Universe or Stored Procedure that contains parameters, the parameter prompt order is pickup during the report creation time.
  • But from Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1, the parameter prompt order is picked up dynamically, every time the report is refresh, from the order set in the following data source:
    • BEx Query with variables
    • Stored Procedure with parameters
    • Universe with parameters
  • For example: If the variables in a BEx Query are set to prompt in the order of: A, B and C, then it will prompt in that order in Crystal Reports for Enterprise. And then if the BEx Query variable prompt order is modified to: C, B, and A, then the next time the report is refreshed, it will prompt in the same order as in the BEx Query, which will now be: C, B, and A


  • There is unfortunately no global option to change this behavior, but it is possible to customize the parameter order for each report by selecting the parameter order option "Customize and Keep Order":
    1. Open the report in Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1 with Support Pack 03 or higher from the SAP BI Repository.
    2. In the "Data Explorer" pane, under "Parameters", right click on any of the parameter and select "Reorder..."
       Parameter Order - 01.png  
    3. In the "Reorder Parameters" window, select the option "Customize and Keep Order"
       Parameter Order - 02.png  
    4. In the bottom window, set the desired order for the parameter using the up and down arrows, then click "OK" to accept the change.
    5. Save the report back to the SAP BI Repository.

Now, when refreshing the report in Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1, or in SAP BI LaunchPad in BI 4.1, the parameter order will display in the customized order defined on the report, and not the order defined in the BEx Query, Universe or Stored Procedure.


CR, CRFE, CR4E, CR For Enterprise, order, sequence , KBA , BI-RA-CRE , Crystal Reports for Enterprise , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports 2013