SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2177187 - How is the User Option Forms visibility controlled?


screenshot.pngHow is the User => Options => Forms visibility controlled?


SuccessFactors HCM Suite 1502

Reproducing the Issue

1) The following Provisioning => "Company Settings" selection seems to control the "Forms" option:  "Hide Form Formatting in the user's options page".

2) After deselecting => click the button to the right of the selection to Save => then click the button near the top of the "Company Settings" page to Save

3) Make sure you log out of the client instance => close the browser then re-open to see the change.


1) The following Provisioning => "Company Settings" selection seems to control the "Forms" option:  "Hide Form Formatting in the user's options page".

2) After deselecting => click the button to the right of the selection to Save => then click the button near the top of the "Company Settings" page to Save

3) Make sure you log out of the client instance => close the browser then re-open to see the change.


forms, options, hide, visibility, provisioning , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-PM , Performance Management , How To


SuccessFactors HCM Suite 1502