In some cases CCMS metrics remain gray in Technical Monitoring. It can be misleading what is displayed in transaction RZ20 in the Managed System. It is possible that the RZ20 tree is showing a green value with actual data in the Managed System.
For example "Update response time - updateresponsetime" metric is gray. Also it can happen for other CCMS-based metrics -> Spool.
Gray status "Info: last value is older than 5 minutes"
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Solman_workcenter, MTEs, System Monitoring, Grey Metrics, /SDF/E2E_CCMS_MTE, CEN, R3UpdateResponseTime, SOLMAN, R3DialogResponseTime, interactive reporting. , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-ALR , Monitoring/Alerting/Reporting Infrastructure , BC-CCM-MON , CCMS Monitoring & Alerting , Problem
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