A message 'Missing Customization' in the column 'Ledger Section' is appearing in more rows in the report output on the screen
when you execute your variant in transaction FISK_VAT (report RPFISK_VATCNTRL).
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SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions
FISK_VAT, RPFISK_VATCNTRL, message 'Missing Customization,' Slovak VAT ledger, SM34, View cluster FISKVC_TAXSECTN, Slovakia, tax code, Transaction Key, ESA, ESE, Document Type, column Ledger Section, incomplete customizing , KBA , XX-CSC-SK-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-SK , XX-CSC-SK , Slovakia , Problem
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