You are facing the below errors during the activation of your custom solution on the SAP Cloud Applications Studio:
- User not assigned to Business Analytics WoC. Analytics file not processed
- Assign WoC Business Analytics to continue with the activation
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
- SAP Business ByDesign
- SAP Cloud for Customer
SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud Applications Studio all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions
Business, Analytics, work, center, not, assigned, Deployment, failed, PDI, SDK , KBA , deployment failed , cl_aud_sdi_provider , activation failed , ap-rc-ana-dt , AP-RC-ANA-DT , C4C, ByD,Travel:Analytics KeyUser UI/DesignTools , AP-RC-BDS-1O , ByDesign Studio OneOffs , AP-RC-BDS-ANA , ByDesign Studio Analytics , How To
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