SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2178404 - SAP Lumira Error: This keycode is invalid


  • This keycode is invalid.
  • License key does not work.
  • After entering the keycode in SAP Lumira, it generates the error: "This keycode is invalid."
    SAP Lumira - Invalid Keycode - 03.png


  • SAP Lumira 1.x

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In SAP Lumira, under the menu "Help", select "Enter Keycode"
  2. Enter the keycode.
    It will then generate the error: "This keycode is invalid."


  • The keycode entered has either been mistyped, or it is for a different product.


  1. Re-enter the keycode, and confirm it has not been mistyped.
  2. If you are still receiving an invalid keycode error, then remove the Lumira license file, by following the SAP Knowledge Base Article:
          2006058 - "Invalid License Key" when trying to update Lumira key 
    and then re-enter the keycode.
  3. If it still not successful, then test entering a temporary keycode, which can be obtain by following the SAP Knowledge Base Article:
         1288121 - How to download temporary license keys for Analytics Solutions (BusinessObjects)
  4. If the temporary keycode works, then this confirm the keycode entered was either invalid or it is for a different product. The suggestion will then be to request a permanent license key for SAP Lumira from the SAP website, by following the steps in the SAP Note:   

         1251889 - License key request for SAP Analytics Solutions (previously SAP BusinessObjects)


  • Please note: If you do not have access to the SAP Service Market Place, youwill not be able to access KBA 1288812 amd SAP Note 1251889.
  • Call sales for assitance: Worldwide Office Directory


Lumira, keycode, license, liscense, key code, invalid, incorrect , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , Problem


SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0