Mass deletion of application connections from database level or from Sybase Control Center (SCC)/SAP Control Center (SCC) not possible.
When deleting some thousands of application connections from SUP the only way is deleting from SCC - Application - Application Connections - Search for the
Connections based on the domain name which needs to be deleted and set the Page Size to 100 (maximum allowed).
Then click delete and confirm the pop-up message to confirm the deletion.
This procedure takes a lot of time as well as the deletion of some thousands of connections.
- Windows 2008R2
- Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP) 2.2 SP06
- SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) 2.3 SP06
- Sybase Control Center
- SAP Control Center
KBA , scc , filter , application , multi , pagesize , deletion , api , mass , mms_application_connection , mms_application_connection_info , MOB-SUP-RT , SUP Runtime , Problem
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