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2180278 - ERROR: n entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet. Import has to be stopped!


You are using separate transport directories in your TMS domain.

1) When you import some requests by STMS or tp commands, you get the error below in tp system log(SLOGxxxx).The import is stopped.

ERROR: n inactive entry found in buffer, Import has to be stopped!
ERROR: n entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet.
Import has to be stopped!

Here "n" is a number.


When you use TP commands to do the import,you might get the error below:

ERROR: n entry found in buffer with no data file(s) transferred yet. Import has to be stopped!

For more information see documentation of 'TRANSMITBUFFER', 'COMMITBUFFER' and ' SETTRANSFERRED'

tp returncode summary:

TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 0

ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0254

tp finished with return code: 254


     Data files are not yet transferred

Or the following error:

TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 0
ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0250
tp finished with return code: 250
inactive entries found in buffer



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inactive entry, no data file, inactive flag, settransferred, tp command, found in buffer with no data file, data files are not yet transferred, 0254, 0200, with no data file , KBA , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , Problem

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