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2180724 - Folders with same CUID in the destination are not renamed after promotion using Promotion Management.


 After renaming the folder name in source and promoting it using promotion management, changes are not taking effect in target system.

e.g If source has folder name 'ABC' and destination has 'XYZ', after the promotion the 'XYZ' should be overwritten as 'ABC'.

In above example 'ABC' and 'XYZ' have same CUID.



  • SAP BusinessObject Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 SP4 Patch4


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1


folder name change,update, promotion management, lcm folder, lcm bi4.1 , KBA , BI-BIP-LCM , Lifecycle Management Console - Promotion mgmt, Version mgmt , Bug Filed

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