Currently if you export (for example) a Business Rule the data will be provided in a ZIP file with the rule definition and all dependencies in several *.csv files. When you want to import this data back into the instance, or a different instance, the import will always handle this as an Incremental import (there is not UI option to specify Full Purge when using ZIP import).
You can use this option as a work-around instead of using the Instance Sync feature if you encounter an issue with the Instance Sync.
Employee Central 2.0 / Metadata Framework
Metadata Framework Employee Central MDF Rules Imports Objects migration migrate test dev , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-ADM , Admin Tools (EC Core only) , LOD-SF-EC-EDP , Import Employee Data (EC Core only) , LOD-SF-EC-FOO , Foundation Objects (Organisation, Pay and Job Structures) , How To
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