- Error L3 354: "Transfer order XXX already confirmed or cancelled, or cancellat. sent" is raised when cancelling an open TO
- Error L3 353: "Item & does not exist or is confirmed. Cancellation not possible"
- LT15 does not allow TO cancellation even though the TO is still open
- Unable to cancel an open TO subject to two-step picking when the first step has been completed
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
L3354, LTAP-PVQUI, PVQUI, 2 step picking, cancellation, LT15, La orden transp. ya ha sido confirm. o anulada o se ha enviado anul Ordre de transfert & déjà confirmé, annulé ou annulation envoyée Transportauftrag & bereits quittiert oder storniert bzw. Storno versendet Ordem de transferência & já confirmada ou estornada ou estorno enviado, L3 353, L3353, Item & does not exist or is confirmed. Cancellation not possible, Position & ist nicht vorhanden oder quittiert. Stornierung nicht möglich, Posición & no existente o confirmada. No es posible realizar anulación , KBA , LE-WM-TFM-SP , Stock Postings / Posting Changes , How To
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