Error calling c++ external function in the IDE for PowerBuilder 12.5.2 and PowerBuilder 12.6.
The following error is:
PowerBuilder application execution error (R0014)
Application terminated.
Error: Error opening DLL library ntxxxdll.dll for external function at line 6
in clicked event of object cb_1 of w_main
- Works ok in PowerBuilder 12.5.2 runtime using Visual Studio (VS) Redistributable 2008
- Works ok in PowerBuilder 12.6 runtime using Visual Studio Redistributable 2013.
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.5.2
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
- Visual Studio Redistributable 2008 and 2013
SAP PowerBuilder all versions
powerbuilder, external function, ide, vs,c++,dll,CR786299,CR 786299 , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Bug Filed
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