Following SQL steps could hit FP indext corruption of Range-Partitioned table in IQ16 SP10.x ( SP8.x too).
1) Initial load to all partition
> Initial data loading to all partition was completed without any problem.
2) Delete 7623949 rows from all range partitions.
After deteted, sp_iqcheckdb returned table was in 'No error detected'.
> delete from ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY where upd_date >= '20150901';
3) Additional data 7623951 rows were inserted to all partition and completed well.
But after the insert, 's_blockmap.cxx:12531' was detected in DBCC checking.
DBCC appeared corruptions on 5 FP columns.
> insert into ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY
select * from D_JUKLIB_HISTORY
where upd_date >= '20150901';
- Detected corruption in DBCC output =>
I. 10/07 21:11:17. 0002440249 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:12531, Err# 0, tid 1189 origtid 1189
I. 10/07 21:11:17. 0002440249 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2091 (s_internalexception); SQLCode: -1001012, SQLState: 'QFA12', Severity: 18
I. 10/07 21:11:17. 0002440249 [20521]: Internal state violation, please contact SAP IQ support
I. 10/07 21:11:18. 0002440249 The following exception is BUFMAN_BLOCKMAP_INFO_ERROR (-1009047)
I. 10/07 21:11:18. 0002440249 from s_ROBlockmapCursor::Find
I. 10/07 21:11:18. 0002440249 Blockmap Member Variables for 0xe0e074628
I. 10/07 21:11:18. 0002440249 From slib/s_dpidx.cxx:563
'DBCC Verify Mode Report',' ',''
'** DBCC Status','Errors Detected','******'
'** DBCC Unknown Exceptions','5','******'
'Index Statistics',' ',''
'** Inconsistent Index','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C32_FP','******'
'** Inconsistent Index','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C35_FP','******'
'** Inconsistent Index','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C30_FP','******'
'** Inconsistent Index','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C31_FP','******'
'** Inconsistent Index','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C33_FP','******'
'** Non-Completed Index ','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C32_FP','******'
'** Non-Completed Index ','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C35_FP','******'
'** Non-Completed Index ','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C30_FP','******'
'** Non-Completed Index ','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C31_FP','******'
'** Non-Completed Index ','lghs.ZP_D_JUKLIB_HISTORY.ASIQ_IDX_T2663_C33_FP','******'
- SAP IQ 16.0
BUFMAN_BLOCKMAP_INFO_ERROR, "s_dpidx.cxx:3796", "s_blockmap.cxx:12531", , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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