When you try to perform Deploy Business Configuration for a solution you will receive the following errors:
- Deployment not possible. Enable solution YABCDEFGY_ for business user testing. (where YABCDEFGY_ is the solution ID)
- BC Deployment failed.
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
- SAP Business ByDesign
- SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Open the solution.
- Right click on the solution.
- Select Deploy Business Configuration option.
- Error and warning messages appears.
The cause for the error is that the solution is Disabled in Implemantaion Manager.
You need to first Enable the solution. You can do this by following the steps below:
- Open the Solution.
- Go to Implementation Manager tab.
- Click on the Enable button.
Now you will be able to perform Deploy Business Configuration for the solution.
See Also
PDI, SDK, MCS, add, on, deployment, not, possible, enable, solution, business, user, testing
KBA , AP-RC-BDS-LM , ByDesign Studio Lifecycle Management , How To
SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN 1705 ; SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN 1708 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1702 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1711 ; SAP Cloud Applications Studio all versions ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1702 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1705 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1711