- Imlementing SAP Work Manager 6.2 / ECC EHP6 / SMP 3.0 SP07
- The document upload is working fine from the mobile devices -> SMP -> to -> SAP -> Documentum
- The system have two SMP servers in a cluster mode with a load balancer in the front with session persistent (this is working fine and the ports are open through firewall)
- The same version of the Work Manager application is deployed in both the SMP cluster nodes - The application is working for SAP Work Manager DMS document upload/download (node 1)
- The issue: The document download works when a user is connected through the SMP node-1 but when the user is connected through the SMP node-2, the attachment download does not work
- In testing the testers have tried the same user, same WO, same attachment to connect directly to node-1 and node-2. It works perfectly on node-1. The testers have made sure that the ports (8282 ) are open on both SMP server and are reachable from the SAP system
Note: The testers/designers noticed one thing, when a break point is added in the class handler, it gets called when the request is coming from node-1 but it does not when it gets called when the user is connected to node-2.
- SAP Work Manager
- SAP Mobile Platform 3.0
SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; SAP Work Manager 6.2.0
"SMP Cluster", Cluster , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-SYC-OTH , Syclo Mobility for other backend , Problem
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