Semantical Partition Object (SPO) based on a classic DataStore Object (DSO) get archived but during the archiving process get the following error:
Error reading the data of InfoProvider XYZ
Message No. DBMAN305
Error in Data Manager: XYZ
Message No. RSDRV005
Exception occurred in line 140 of include CL_RSDA_INFOPROV_CURSOR=======CM004 (program CL_RSDA_INFOPROV_CURSOR=======CP)
General error in BW archiving (-> see long text)
SAP NETWEAVER Business Warehouse 7.40
Datastore Object, ODSO, SPO, Semantic Partitioned Object, CL_RSDRV_SRVS_SID, GET_CHANM_FOR_NO_SID, , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-ARC , Archiving , BW-WHM-DBA-DSO , DataStore Object (classic) , BW-WHM-DBA-SPO , Semantically Partitioned Object , Problem
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