SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2193144 - [Must-See] Most frequent problems under BC-ABA-LI area


This article is regularly updated with the list of the most frequent problems existing under the BC-ABA-LI area. Currently, the below topics are covered:

  1. Download file as spreadsheet is not complete

  2. Export list to spreadsheet or text format using option "Text with Tabs" have output file character "-" or "|" changed to "tab" making the content of one column split in multiple ones

  3. Spreadsheet option is not available

  4. Export list with “Text with Tabs” option, but the format of the data is incorrect when the file is saved with “.xls” extension

  5. Wrong width on printing list tree

  6. ASSIGN_LENGHT_0 when trying to export to local file

  7. Download of list wider than 1023 characters from ALV



ABAP System.


SAP NetWeaver all versions


Export, spreadsheet, download, save list, transfer, PC, output format, Excel, extension Text with Tabs export, local file, TAB, Excel, txt, .txt, xls, .xls, xlsx, .xlsx, upgrade, double dashes, pipe, delimiter, ABAP, spreadsheet, text with tabulators, save, interrupt, interrupted, stop, stops , KBA , BC-ABA-LI , ABAP List Processing , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-SRV-ALV , SAP List Viewer , BC-ABA , ABAP Runtime Environment - ABAP Language Issues Only , Problem

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