SAP_BASIS | 700 | SAPKB70031 |
SAP_BASIS | 701 | SAPKB70116 |
SAP_BASIS | 702 | SAPKB70216 |
SAP_BASIS | 710 | SAPKB71019 |
SAP_BASIS | 711 | SAPKB71114 |
SAP_BASIS | 730 | SAPKB73012 |
SAP_BASIS | 731 | SAPKB73114 |
SAP_BASIS | 740 | SAPKB74009 |
or lower, after implementation of SAP Note 2038061
S# 232 s232(s#) Rollenupload hochladen L_FILETABLE filename , KBA , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , Problem
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