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2195077 - ShmCreate errors


The SAP Applicaiton Server does not start with the following error in the developer traces:

*** ERROR => DpSysAdmExtCreate: ShmCreate (CREATE)
*** ERROR => dispatcher already running ????

*** ERROR => Shared Memory Key <KEY> (SHM_PROFILE) already exist
*** ERROR => dispatcher already running ????
*** ERROR => I better EXIT before I do any (more) damage

*** ERROR => DpSysAdmExtCreate: ShmCreate (ATTACH) failed (<RETURN CODE>
*** ERROR => DpIPCInit2: DpSysAdmExtCreate

*** ERROR => shmget(<SHARED KEY>,<size>,<size>) (22: Invalid argument)
*** ERROR => RqQInit: ShmCreate <SHARED KEY>(rc=<RETURN CODE>

*** ERROR => DpShMCreate: ShmCreate SHM_DP_CA_KEY(rc=<RETURN CODE>)
*** ERROR => DpIPCInit2: DpShMCreate

ERROR => ShmCreate: Invalid size. Key=<KEY> Size=<size>


<RETURN CODE> = 1, 2, 3 or 4



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Semaphore, event, flag, segments, crash, showipc, ipcs, ipcrm, semop, e=22 dpxxca.c dpxxtool2.c *** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpIPCInit2 *** DISPATCHER EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN *** , KBA , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , Problem

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