SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2195722 - Adding Custom Navigation Actions


This article explains how you configure a Custom Navigation Action to use in Action Search.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite


Accessing the Configure Custom Navigation Tool

If Configure Custom Navigation is not enabled in your instance, it needs to be enabled in Provisioning before the tool can be used. Please create a Support case to request this.

If Configure Custom Navigation is enabled in your instance, you access it by going to Admin CenterConfigure Custom Navigation or by clicking the link to it at the top of the Manage Action Search page:

Manage Action Search.png


Adding Custom Navigations to Action Search

You can add a custom navigation link to action search by selecting Action Search as one of the locations in the Menu Location dropdown menu of the Configure Custom Navigation tool.

Configure Custom Navigation.png

Configuring Custom Navigations

Menu Item Label
This is how the link appears in the user interface. For custom actions, this becomes the "display label" in action search.
For custom actions, it is recommended that you add localized translations in Manage Action Search rather than in Configure Custom Navigation
For other link locations, you can use this icon to access the local editor and provide translations of the menu item label in other languages.
This can be any text or numeric value. You can use any convention you wish, but every custom navigation link, regardless of its location or locations, must have a unique ID.
Link Type
Custom actions do not reflect these settings. Action search only supports "same browser" behavior. Both internal and external custom navigation actions open in the same browser tab.
For other custom links, you can select:
  •  Internal Link
  •  Used with a SuccessFactors deeplink in URL field
  •  External Link - Same Browser
  •  Used with an external URL. Opens in the same browser window.
  •  External Link - New Browser
  •  Used with an external URL. Opens in a new browser window.
Enter the URL or deeplink that you want to make available in action search. - Please note that dynamic links are not supported.
To create a custom action, select Action Search in the dropdown menu.

For custom actions, it is recommended that you only one select one location
, Action Search, in this menu. This is due to the fact that localization and link types are


  • The custom navigation to a custom portlet will always take you to your own portlet, which means it will be the portlet for the user logged in.
  • Custom actions are visible in Manage Action Search immediately but may take up to 30 minutes to be visible in action search results. The action search index is refreshed on a regular basis and your changes will be applied at the time of the next refresh.
  • Enhanced Main Navigation Menu: Starting H2 2023 release (aka b2311 release) We've enabled some visual changes to the main navigation menu by default.

The following changes are automatically enabled:

  • The menu includes icons that represent each product area.

  • The menu is organized into three sections: Home, standard links to the main product areas, and custom links that are configured in your system.

  • Standard links are now sorted alphabetically, based on the user's locale.

This feature improves usability and user experience. These enhancements are enabled by default. You can disable them by deselecting the Show icons and use alphabetical order in the main navigation menu setting on the Company System and Logo Settings page.


Custom Navigation, action, actions, links, button, take action, how to, configure, add, custom, action search. main navigation menu, dropdown, global navigation , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-NAV , Custom Navigation , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions