Upon trying to execute program GRAC_ROLEREP_USER_SYNC to any given connector, the sync program fails with the following error message:
- Sync failed with errors:
Error in 'Connector name'; Reason Error in RFC; 'No active plan version exists'
The error message is raised for each interaction between foundation and plug-in. Hundreds of messages with same text can be seen in SLG1 logs.
SAP Access Control 10.0
SAP Access Control 10.1
Timezone, time_zone, STZAD, STZAC, system_timezone, system_time_zone , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , GRC-SAC-BRM , Business Role Management , GRC-SAC-EAM , Emergency Access Management , How To
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