At the back end system, you're getting dumps with error CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_ACTIVE concerning to UWL function module UWL_GET_FILTERED_ITEMS_PROXY.
In the dump, you also see references to SAPLUWLCONN (which is the program) or just UWLCONN (which is the function group)
From a user perspective, you might also notice that the UWL Delta Pull functionality is not working as expected. The function module UWL_GET_FILTERED_ITEMS_PROXY is the function module which provides the Delta Pull from a back end perspective, thus if it is not working correctly the delta pull won't work as a consequence.
- SAP Universal Worklist (UWL)
- SAP NetWeaver Portal
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
UWL_GET_FILTERED_ITEMS_PROXY, get, itemsproxy, filtered, call_function, function_not_active, universal worklist, SAPLUWLCONN, UWL_CONN, UWLCONN, funktionsgruppe, functiongroup, function_group, funktions_gruppe, defekt , KBA , gscbrazil_video , video , gscbrazil , EP-BC-UWL , Universal Worklist , Problem
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