The purpose of this page is to provide a starting point for information on configuring, troubleshooting, and using SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM).
- SAP Transportation Management (TM)
- SAP Transportation Management embedded in SAP S/4HANA 1709 and subsequent releases
freight order, freight booking, forwarding order, freight unit, planning, FWO, FU, ERP, integration, carrier, tendering, settlement, /SCMTMS/TOR, /SCMTMS/TRQ, transportation cockpit, TU, air, ocean, OTR, DTR, charge, calculation, RFQ, TM-FRM, TM-PLN, TM-ERP, TM-BF, TM-CF, TM-FRA, TM-FRS, TM-FWS, TM-FWA, TM-FWM, TM-INT, TM-LOC, TM-MD, performance, SCMTMS. , KBA , TM-FRM , Freight Order Management , TM-PLN , Planning , TM-FRS , Freight Settlement , TM-FWM , Forwarding Order Management , TM-FWS , Forwarding Settlement , TM-INT-LI , Logistics Integration - General , TM-CF , Cross Functions , TM-CP , Collaboration Portal , TM-FRA , Freight Agreement Management , TM-FWA , Forwarding Agreement Management , TM-INT , Integration , TM-LOC , Localization , TM-MD , Master Data , How To
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