You would like to see change documents for a banking account, but the system leads to short dump with a message - ASSERTION_FAILED
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "BCA_CNFW_BUSINESS_OBJECT======CP" - in "GET_CONTRACT_ELEMENT". The main program was "RBCA_TEST_BDTIS_START ". In the source code you have the termination point in line 7 of the (Include) program "BCA_CNFW_BUSINESS_OBJECT======CM008"
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP Banking: Banking Services from SAP 6.0 and higher
Assertion Failed, Änderungsbelege am Konto, BCA_CNFW_BUSINESS_OBJECT======CP, BCA_CNFW_BUSINESS_OBJECT======CM008, GET_CONTRACT_ELEMENT, The ASSERT condition was violated , KBA , FS-AM-CM-CF , Contract Framework , Problem
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