Suppose we have 3 systems in one TMS domain: are DEV,QAS, and PRD.
- DEV, QAS, and PRD are in the same TMS domain.
- DEV, QAS, and PRD are using different transport directories
- You are using the tp command to import some requests to QAS
- The data files and cofiles of those requests are not transferred to PRD.
- The buffer file is updated and those requests are in active status.
- In the import queue of PRD, the status of those requests is "Request waiting to be imported".
- In the SLOG of PRD, you can find an error log like "ERROR: could not read transport info for <Request Number>".
But when you use STMS to import other requests to QAS, transport files of those requests can be tranferred automatically to PRD.
DEV,QAS and PRD are in different transport groups as they are using local transport directories.
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Adjustment flag, TRANSMITBUFFER, COMMITBUFFER, SETTRANSFERRED, transport, request, missing, copied, datafile, cofile, , KBA , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , Problem
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