The following messages are shown in the developer trace files (dev*) located in the instance's work directory (LocalDrive\usr\sap\<SID>\<Instance>\work):
NiHLGetHostName: to get XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX succeeded in 4805ms (tl=2000ms; UC) NiHLGetNodeAddr: to get 'yourhostname' succeeded in 5002ms (tl=2000ms; UC) |
In the above examples, 4805ms, 4508ms, 5002ms, and 10002ms are the time used for the hostname/IP address resolution (in milliseconds).
- Operating System independent
- Database independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP Platform
NiHLGetHostName, NiHLGetNodeAddr, hostname/IP address resolution, work directory, LocalDrive\usr\sap\<SID>\<Instance>\work, dev_disp, dev_rd, dev_w*, DNS, hosts file, RZ11, rdisp/reverse_name_lookup, gw/resolve_phys_addr, GwPrintMyHostAddr, HOSTNAME, GWY_CHANGE_PARAMETER, SE37, Uppercase/Lowercase, FORCE, NiHL6GetHostName, /etc/hosts, DNS lookup, reverse DNS lookup, reverse lookup , KBA , BC-CST-NI , Network Interface , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem
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