LOAD statement with other than default DATE order results in an error if column spec DATETIME ('DD/MM/YYYY') is used to change the date order.
Exception Thrown from db_sqlins.cxx:15386, Err# 36, tid 183 origtid 183
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 4098 (db_sqlexception); SQLCode: -157, SQLState: '53018', Severity: 16
[2104]: Cannot convert 12/07/201 to a timestamp (column Date_2)
- SAP IQ 15.x
- SAP IQ 16
LOAD; NULL ; conversion; missing delimiter; db_sqlins.cxx; SQLCode: -157; Cannot convert; timestamp; SQLCode: -1013061; IQ date order; date_order; timestamp_format; date; datetime; timestamp; column spec , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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