When you try to create a MaxDB/liveCache database on the same host you're running Database Studio, you get the following error:
Could not create database 'SDB': [C:\sapdb\clients\DatabaseStudio\pgm\dbmcli.exe on DatabaseHost>ERR, -24994,ERR_RTE: Runtime environment error, 20102,Could not create/update/delete service entry, access denied:MAXDB: SDB, 20102,Could not create/update/delete service entry, access denied:MAXDB: SDB (slow), , ---, C:\sapdb\clients\DatabaseStudio\pgm\dbmcli.exe on DatabaseHost>OK, , --
The logged user is member of SDB Operators windows group.
- SAP NetWeaver based systems running on MaxDB and Microsoft Windows;
- SAP NetWeaver based systems running liveCache on Microsoft Windows;
- MaxDB Database Studio;
- MaxDB 7.6 and Higher;
- liveCache 7.6 and Higher.
cant create, cannot create, problem creating, new database, ADABAS, SAPDB, new data base, live_cache, liveCache, SAP DB , KBA , BC-DB-SDB-DBA , Database Administration MaxDB , BC-OP-NT , Windows , Problem
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