When trying to either update employee data via Take Action (MSS UI) or when trying to Hire/Rehire an employee, you encounter "An application error has occurred.".
The errorId is always unique.
Please note, customers will not be able to identify the error directly as Product Support need to recover this from application logs. So, if you are a customer and encountering an Application Error when saving data to an EC portlet, please raise an case with Product Support. These errors are typically configuration or data related.
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
The NumberFormatException occurs if you have either -:
- Configured a picklist for a numeric field
- Non-numeric data being saved to a numeric field
- Number format that is not accepted by the field
This is a configuration issue, usually encountered during implementation, and most likely due to assigning a picklist to a numeric/foundation field. For example, assigning a picklist to a Foundation Object field or system field that is of type numeric. Usually you would only assign a picklist to a system defined field if specified in the Implementation Handbook, otherwise picklists should only ever be mapped to custom-string fields
- Edit data for an existing employee in each of the possible non-MDF related sections of the Take Action (MSS UI) menu - this can help determine which hris-element is related to the error
- Once you have identified the element that the error occurs in, export the Succession Data Model and Country-Sepcific Data Model and review that hris-elements configuration. Be sure to check fields that have picklists assigned, against the EC Data object table:
- If you are unable to determine the field, you could also try removing all picklist mappings from that hris-element section, and then add them back 1 at a time until you can reproduce the error
NumberFormatException ,An Application Error, Job Information error, For, input, string, nested exception is: , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-JOB-UI , History UI & MSS UI , LOD-SF-EC-HIR-NEW , Add New Employee Wizard , Problem