How to configure Succession Management permissions for MDF Position nomination method + RBP permissions.
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SAP SuccessFactors Succession Management
We have three possible configuration scenarios under which your instance might be configured with for Succession Management:
- Position/Role-person nomination method + Legacy Permissions;
- Position/Role-person nomination method + RBP Permissions;
- MDF Position nomination method + RBP permissions.
For each scenario, there are specific differences when configuring Succession Permissions, but they share the same core Permissions. Two of these permissions require a target population to be set, and the other three permissions simply define whether a tool will be available or not for a user.
On this Article, we will be showing the configurations required for MDF Position nomination method + RBP permissions. For more information about the other possible scenarios, please refer to the references section on the bottom of this article.
Permission | Requires target population (†) | Definition |
Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions | Yes | Defines for a specific user the population which:
Succession Planning Permission | Yes | This permission controls which positions/incumbents you can assign successors for. This does not control who you can add as successors, only which positions/employees you will be able to add successors to. If you wish to control the users whom the nominator can only nominate to, it can only be restricted through "User search" permission under General User Permission, but please take note that this will also restrict other search tools in the instance in General, such as Action search and in the Profile, so please test this rigorously. For details and examples, please see section "MDF Positions nomination method + RBP Permissions" |
Succession Approval Permission | Yes | Only applicable when "User formless nomination approval workflow" enabled in the back end. It allows customers to require approval for the nominations to be effective. The idea behind the feature is that the nominations made by some groups of users need to be reviewed by someone else - the approver - before being effective in the system. For more information, see Wiki: Nomination Approval Workflow |
Succession Org Chart Permission | Yes | This permission is used to grant access to the Succession Org. Chart tab. |
Position Tile Access | No | Enables the Position Tile View tab for the granted user. |
Talent Search Access | No | This permission is used to grant access to the Talent Search tab. |
View Talent Pool Nominations | Yes | Allows users to see nominations within talent pools. If you don't select this option, users can still see the pool itself but not the nominations within the pool. For more details, see Wiki: MDF Talent Pools - How to grant permissions? |
Matrix Report Permission | No | This permission is used to grant access to the Performance-Potential Matrix and Objective-Competency Matrix report (9-box) Tabs. |
Hide Talent Pool page | No | Hides talen pool tab from granted users. Given user belongs to multiple permission roles, if any of these roles have checked "Hide talent pool page", user will not be able to access Talent Pool tab. |
MDF Positions nomination method + RBP Permissions
For full information on how to set up Permission Groups and Permissions Roles, refer to the RBP admin guide which can be found in the references section of this Article.
MDF Position Permission process works similarly to legacy positions with RBP, with the addition of Object Level Permissions. First, we need to set the permissions that are not specific to MDF:
- From Admin Tools
- Set User Permission
- Manage Permission Roles
- Create/Edit the desired Role
- Click on “Permission…”
Within the same Permission Role, you may set all Succession Permissions, both the ones requiring a Target Population and those that do not require it.
You can verify the Permissions that require a Target Population to be set by checking if that specific permissions have a “†” character next to it.
After selecting the desired permissions on this page, click on done and scroll down the page to set the Target Population of this role. Here you will select to who these Permissions will be given (in this example, to the group “Payroll Admins, Admin, EC Admins”) and the Target Population that this group will have for the selected permissions – as an example the population which will be included in the Matrix Grid Report.
After the above section is completed, you can configure the Object specific permissions over the Position object. When using MDF Positions, granting Position object-level permissions in the same role as the Succession Planning/Approval/Management Permissions makes the Succession related permissions apply to the Position target population as well (besides the user target population). So, the Position object permissions will help you to grant Succession Planning/Approval/Management permissions over Positions that are vacant (TBH positions).
At a minimum, “View Current” permission on the Position Object is required for the Succession related permissions to apply to the Position target population.
It’s important to highlight that, when you have Succession Planning/Approval/Management permissions in the same permission role as the Position object permissions, the Succession Planning/Approval/Management permissions will apply to both the User target population and to the Position target population. Please see below diagram that illustrates this.
For example, if you have User A in your User target population, but User A’s position is not within your Position target population, you’ll still be able to add successors to User A’s position, but you will not be able to show/edit the details of the position. The other way around is very similar: if you have Position Z in your Position target population, but the Position Z’s incumbent is not within your User target population, you’ll be able to both add successors to and show/edit the details of Position Z.
As another example, if a user has set up Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions and Succession Planning Permission with the target population of only self, but under the Position object target population he has access to all positions, he will be able to nominate and see talent information for all positions.
Note: Best practice is to have only one position target population associated to a user's Role Based Permissions, due to the fact that MDF Nomination Method uses both Position and User Target Population.
Below is the explanation of the permission settings for the Position Object.
Visibility Permissions:
- Without view current permission, user cannot search out or view details of a Position on Manage Data page
- Without view history permission, user cannot set "Search As Of" in Advanced search on Manage Data page
Actions Permissions:
- Without create permission, user cannot create new Position
- Without insert permission, user cannot insert new record into the Position
- Without correct permission, user cannot update record of the Position
- Without delete permission, user cannot delete record of the Position
Typical implementations for Succession customers would look like this
Roles with permission |
Recommended Misc. permission |
Administrative Privileges |
Succession Planning |
Other Succession Permissions |
After the Permissions for the object are set, the Target Population must then be defined.
The Position target population defaults to “All” Positions. To change it, you would need to modify the default selection from “All” to “Restrict Target Population To”. There are two options available to restrict target population:
- Restrict by Position attribute (e.g., access to Positions that have Position.department = Finance)
- Restrict by Position hierarchy (Similar to people hierarchy; users can define levels below the Planners hierarchy).
Examples of how target population of Positions work:
- Carla Grant is a Succession planner and has Succession planning permission for a role. However, she does not have any access to John Doe’s position (e.g., she does not have any of View / Create / Correct / Insert permission on John Doe’s position):
- Carla will not be able to see Succession information for John Doe on the Succession Org Chart or Position Tile View. Thus she won’t be able to add or view successors for him.
- Now admin changes Carla’s permission. Carla now has “View” access to John Doe’s position.
- Carla will now be able to see the talent information for John in the Succession Org Chart, but she doesn't have permission to edit his position, thus the “Show and Edit Position" option will not be available. Instead she will see “View Position” on the Org Chart node dropdown.
- Furthermore, admin changes Carla’s position permission to “View” and “All” positions. Her granted user target population (regular RBP target population) is set to “Direct Reports” with All levels below. Carla will now be able to see talent information for all positions in the Succession Org Chart and conduct succession planning even though her user target population is limited to direct reports.
For instance with "Use formless nomination approval workflow" enabled.
Here are the scenarios and results to expect, considering target population is the same:
Scenario 1
✖ | Succession Approval Permission |
✖ | Succession Planning Permission |
✖ | Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions |
Result | No Visibility to Approved Successors, Can approve but with visibility and can approve Pending Nominations and Pending Changes/Deletion |
Scenario 2
✔ | Succession Approval Permission |
✖ | Succession Planning Permission |
✖ | Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions |
Result | No Visibility to Approved Successors, with visibility and can approve Pending Nominations and Pending Changes/Deletion |
Scenario 3
✖ | Succession Approval Permission |
✔ | Succession Planning Permission |
✖ | Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions |
Result | No Visibility to Approved Successors, with Visibility and can edit Pending Nominations/Changes. But cannot approve any nomination/changes/deletion |
Scenario 4
✖ | Succession Approval Permission |
✖ | Succession Planning Permission |
✔ | Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions |
Result | Visibility to approved successors but cannot nominate, edit nor approve Pending nominations/changes/deletion |
Scenario 5
✔ | Succession Approval Permission |
✔ | Succession Planning Permission |
✖ | Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions |
Result | Can nominate successors but no visibility to approved successors. Can approve or reject pending changes or edit/delete nomination. |
Scenario 6
✔ | Succession Approval Permission |
✔ | Succession Planning Permission |
✔ | Succession Management and Matrix Report Permissions |
Result | Can nominate and see approved successors. Can approve or reject changes or edit/delete nomination. |
See Also
For more information on how to restrict the target population of the Position object, see below article:
2445215 - Succession Management – Restricting target population for the Position object
Succession Planning Approval Management, permissions, Succession Org Chart, SOC, Add Successors, successor, successors, SCM , KBA , LOD-SF-SCM , Succession Management , LOD-SF-SCM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , How To