- The admin records learning for multiple users for an class and the process completes successfully but for some users the items still appears on the learning plan while for others it has been moved to the learning history.
- Or the admin records learning and gets the following error:
com.plateausystems.elms.util.helper.ElmsUpdateException: adjustComponentLearningEventChargeback(ComponentTrainingEventPK, Double, FinancialCenter[], FinancialCenter[], String) failed
Caused by: com.plateausystems.elms.util.helper.ElmsNoRecordFoundException: Event record not found
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP Successfactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
Admin interface:
- Manage User Learning > Add Learning History for Multiple Courses >
- Select the kind of learning you want to add to history > complete the process >
- Check on users learning plan and see item not moved to learning history.
User interface:
- My Team > Manager links > Add to learn history >
- Select the kind of learning you want to add to history > complete the process >
- Confirmation that completion was recorded successfully >
- Check on users learning plan and see item not moved to learning history.
- There is a mandatory survey related to the item that has a class and the user has not completed the survey, therefore completion cannot be granted for the class.
- This can be verified by navigating to the item record > survey tab >
- To check if the user still has to complete the survey you can proxy as the user and verify the survey is showing as overdue on the learning plan or go to the user record > survey tab.
- Another scenario is that the survey is not published and therefore, though the application says record learning was successful the surveys are not assigned and the items cannot be moved to learning history.
To verify this:
- Learning Administration > Content >
- Search for the survey >
- Open the survey in edit mode >
- Questions (click on edit if you missed the above step to open in edit mode)
- If you can see the PUBLISH button this means the survey is not published
- The users must complete the survey so that the completion status can be updated
- The survey must be published
- Record learning must be performed once more to assign the surveys to the users
- The users must complete the survey so that the completion status can be updated
Tips to identify if the class is closed or Learning is already recorded:
Click on view all and search for the field "closed" = YES (another field to look for is CANCELLED in case CLOSED = NO)
The user icons in the Registration tab of the class are green. When learning is not recorded or pending survey completion, the icons are gray
"Initiate evaluation" in the ACTIONS menu of the class is grayed out
record learning, completion, grant credit, class, financial, multiple, survey, publish, required for completion, credit given, ElmsNoRecordFoundException: Event record not found, record learning no credit granted. , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , Problem