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2203310 - ERROR #2056 "Incorrect syntax with rs_section_marker" causes ERSSD RepAgent failure - SRS 15.7.1


  • After dropping numerous replication definitions, subscriptions and connections
  • The Primary Replication Server (PRS) RepAgent failed to start with the following error messages in the PRS errorlog:

Starting embedded RSSD Replication Agent by dREC.
Executing command: /sybitc1/REP-15_5/ASA12/bin/dbltm -ud -S XXXERSSD1_ra -C /sybitc1/REP-15_5/install//XXXERSSD1_ra.cfg -ot /sybitc1/REP-15_5/install//XXXERSSD1_ra.out -I /sybitc1/interfaces
Replication Agent for XXXERSSD1.XXXERSSD1 connected in language mode.
The LTL stream buffer's contents: (50 characters printed per line)
L001: distribute @origin_time='2015-08-07 01:06', @origi
L001: n_qid=0x0000000001000000000451536b3c0000000451536b
L001: 1100000000000000000064, @tran_id=0x0000000451536b3
L001: c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d49534
L001: 55253534431000000000000000000000000000000000000000
L001: 0004d4953455253534431 execute "rs_section_marker"
L001: @"min_version"=1000,@"version_limit"=2147483647,@"
L001: section_type"=2,@"conv_type"=0,@"appl_data"=0"rs_s
L001: ection_marker" @"min_version"=1000,@"version_limit
L001: "=2147483647,@"section_type"=4,@"conv_type"=3,@"ap
L001: pl_data"=0
ERROR #2056 REP AGENT(MISERSSD1.MISERSSD1) - /prs/sql.y(21390) Line 1, character 396: Incorrect syntax with 'rs_section_marker'.



SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1 


SAP Replication Server 15.7


LTM, Embedded RSSD, RepServer, 2056 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem

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