The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP01 PL03. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.
If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the
Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.
CR Number | Description |
393424 | KBA 2159644 - The sp_monitor connection option may encounter an arithmetic overflow exception of any of the connections with active queries on the server has been established for a long period of time. |
684701 | The "for xml" clause is being stripped off from the text which is saved in syscomments. This causes the procedure output to change unexpectedly (output is no longer in XML format) following upgrade. |
693491 | A transient 605 error may be raised by a query against a table(lock scheme datarows) having des_bind and REORG REBUILD has just been done. Please use dbcc tune(des_unbind,dbid, objname) to unbind the object before REORG REBUILD to avoid the error. |
729246 | A new option WITH COPYONLY= < target_file_path > is added to LOAD DATABASE and LOAD TRANSACTION commands. It allows to extract a DATABASE DUMP or a TRANSACTION DUMP from a storage system and copy it into a local directory. |
731023 | KBA 2063257 - Relax restriction when we raise the message 3193 in relation to ALTER DATABASE OFF at LOAD TRANSACTION time, by delaying the generation of holes in a load sequence to ONLINE DATABASE time. |
732131 | A 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < > , object id = < > , page timestamp= < > . Log old timestamp= < > . Log record marker = ( < > ).", may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION if either the built-in reserve_identity() or the dbcc set_identity_burn_max() command have been executed when the transaction dump was taken. |
735498 | It can take a long time to detect that there has been a KILL of a REORG REBUILD and thus to start a rollback when a huge table is involved. |
746085 | High CPU utlizaton and spinlock contention on a db_cache spinlock may be observed for the sysattributes table. |
762625 | KBA 2127755 - An UPDATE statement which doesn't update any row and involves a replicated table with a LOB column may fail with an error 539 "Unexpected internal access methods error..." and state 31. |
767494 | There may be index space bloat on tables with high deleted row count. |
767902 | dbcc checkverify runs into signal 11 on encrypted db at 'pchk_io_done' when suspicious page is found |
768441 | Error message, "EXECUTE permission denied on object sp_showoptstats, database sybsystemprocs, owner dbo", may be reported when sp_showoptstats is executed by users other than system administrator. |
769985 | A 923 error, "User not allowed in database - only the owner of this database can access it", is raised when a nested stored procedure prefixed with the database name is executed in a database configured for DBO USE ONLY. |
773191 | Incorrect values can be reported by the SAP ASE optdiag utility for "Large I/O efficiency" when large I/O pools have been configured in SAP ASE. |
774289 | A 1105 error, "Can't allocate space for object ' < name > ' in database ' < db > ' because ' < segname > ' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment", may be reported when ONLINE PARALLEL CREATE INDEX is executed with a large number of consumers and the default configuration is used. |
775572 | The 12334 error, "Attempts to read logical page `%ld`, virtpage `%ld` from virtual device `%d` for %S_PTNINFO failed due to read failure in prefetch. Please contact Sybase Technical Support", may be observed during prefetch while running selects on the tables APL table table with clustered or local index and on DOL tables with local index. |
775633 | Logical I/Os metrics may be incorrect for MDA tables for sensitive, insenstive cursors |
775754 | When creating an index on unichar columns on the Oracle Solaris and IBM AIX platforms, a stack trace (SIGBUS or SIGSEGV) may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. The stacktrace will reference the lastValidPosInUnistring function. |
776546 | A 12308 error "Internal error : Invalid row id (Row < > , Page < > ) encountered in the table < > in database < > ." may be reported by level 0 scans / dirty reads or a 1514 error "Sort failed because it attempted to allocate page < > and found that the page was busy..." may be reported during create index, on a table on which 'reorg rebuild with online' has been run. |
777296 | A 940 error, "Dbtable in wrong state for operation: < name > ", is reported against tempdb when repeating a query which uses work table for more than 32k times. |
777566 | An additional shared memory segment is created when the local cache partitions for the default data cache is set to "default" and the number of online engines is greater than 2, resulting in auto-tuning recommending additional cachelets. It is also possible that this may cause the server to fail to boot. |
777640 | A 16805 error, "A LOB LOCATOR was used that is no longer valid: Either the transaction that created it has ended or it has been deallocated", may occur when a LOB variable is used with the substring function. |
777948 | Add support for "with recompile" to DML statements within stored procedure. |
778071 | In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules s__merge_finish() or CgpStoreInd::_CgpStoreIndPePredBmToScalar() may be reported in the error log when running a query with MERGE UNION and INSERT. |
778145 | KBA2203739: A new resource governor limit, lock_count, is provided to allow limiting the number of locks held at once by a process. |
778237 | A 17870 error, "Table '#sphelpuser2ro' does not exist in database 'tempdb2'", may be observed while executing sp_helpuser. |
778347 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'QpClearGc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when using a CURSOR with SELECT FOR UPDATE. |
778455 | When a user tries to bind cache to tempdb, error was raised from the sp_bindcache stored proc. Now its replaced with 'print msg'. |
778531 | Add additional diagnostics for Global Allocation MAP (GAM) status issues. |
778911 | There may be a nan or NaN (not a number) reported in optimizer tracing that could result in poorly performing query plans. Optcriteria CR778911 will check that the range summary stats (such as range density and range unique) are non zero if there is at least one non-zero range cell in the histogram. |
779288 | when error occurs during calling the sp_opt_querystats* stored procedures, the sp_opt_querystats* returns only a generic error message 17098, and the error messages that has been stored by JS into sybmgmtdb.dbo.js_output is not returned to user. |
779599 | When a a bunch of selects from tables with predicated privileges are done in a batch after running alter table and update index statistics on the table, errors 706 - "Process < n > tried to remove PROC_HDR < addr > that it does not hold in Pss." and 941 - "Illegal database context operation." may be reported. |
779616 | The stored procedure, sp_modifythreshold, can create a duplicate threshold entry if two identical thresholds exist on two different segments, and one of them is changed to monitor the other segment. |
779826 | When using stored procedures, showplan message wrongly indicates that a table in tempdb resides in an in-memory database. |
779858 | If the command sp_dumpoptimize is executed to change the allocation_threshold using either a suffix of this keyword or via 'archive=min|max|default', the value will be set in the Backup Server but it will be overwritten at dump time with a default value of 40% or with any previous value that has been configured using the full allocation_threshold keyword. |
779895 | With XML option being enabled for optimizer trace output, correct XML elements should be used to print the deferred parallel processing information of optimizer. |
779922 | Error 11060 reported for maximum number of recompilations(10) for the isolation level 0 transaction |
779957 | Two wait states were using wait event ID 727 (Encrypted Columns module waiting for csi factory creation). This change introduced wait event ID 831 to ensure all wait events have unique IDs. |
780144 | In rare circumstances on a multi-engine system, a 1142 error, "Invalid OAM Page < value > . Found pstat= < value > , object= < negative value > , ..." may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'trunc_wktable', 'LePlanOpenAndExecute' and 'LavaThreadDriver' when some parallel queries are executed concurrently. |
780373 | KBA 2198486 : During a batch insert in ASE database server, Data Load processes on BW systems frequently fail with the error 30292 "Attempting to read past stream EOM." |
780535 | In LPAD( < source_string > , < len > , < pattern_string > ), if the number of characters in the < pattern_string > is greater than the number of characters that need to be padded at the left of the < source_string > during multibyte character handling, the number of characters in the result exceeds < len > . |
780611 | Under rare conditions, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" or a timeslice error in the function metrics_GetForMDATable(), may be reported in the error log when the monCachedStatement table is queried in a heavy-loaded environment. |
780614 | 'cis idle connection timeout' does not work as expected. |
780817 | When user chose to "optimize" the SAP ASE in srvbuild[res], the SAP ASE server wasn't rebooted for the changed parameters to take affect. |
780832 | In case we are running REORG REBUILD in a multi-threaded environment on an APL table followed by DBCC CHECKALLOC() on the database to which the table belongs, the DBCC hits error 12909 indicating that pages reserved by LSA are not unreserved. |
780909 | KBA 2169091 signal 11 in kbfusage during query on monMemoryUsage |
780983 | This only affects the diagserver Occasionally a false positive assertion will occur due to roundoff errors when selectivity estimates slightly exceed 100% of the intermediate result in the optimizer. |
781113 | When 'plan sharing' is on, a lightweight procedure(LWP) plan may raise error 2834 during cloning of primary plan. |
781658 | When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, a new mechanism that calculates a weighted average commit wait time is introduced to diminish the likelihood of frequent switches from synchronous to asynchronous mode. |
781666 | The show_condensed_text() built-in function might run into stack trace when condensing some statements with derived tables from union statements or when condensing merge statements. |
781684 | In rare circumstance, a memory dump might fail with an "Error writing memory segment" error when the option "memory dump compression level" is set as a value greater than 1. |
781774 | In rare circumstances, CREATE INDEX may fail with a 1289 error, "Internal Error in lock manager routine: Invalid lock mode exclusive page, requested by task (family id < > , spid < > ) conflicts with existing family request mode exclusive page belonging to task (family id < > , spid < > )" |
781899 | Several counters of the MDA table monRepSyncTaskStatistics are now available without the need to use trace flag 9144 or to configure 'enable monitoring'. |
782319 | sp_helpcache reports the "In memory cache size" as negative for cache sizes > = 2GB. |
782345 | Incorrect progress report (progress > 100%) may be reported when running dbcc tablealloc() on syslogs table. |
782355 | ALTER LOGIN must check the caller password when Granular Permissions (GP) is on and the caller has sso_role. |
782445 | A query with decimal conversion in an IN clause may not correctly return rows which should qualify when the statement cache is enabled. |
782567 | Enhancements to the Sybmon utility to prevent signal 11 when 'mmgrpools' or 'who' command is executed, improve the performance of the 'spinlocks' command, and prevent signal 11 when 'log on' command is executed while the log file is already open. |
782648 | The message, "Backup Server: Backup Server Internal Error in function 'fatoi'", will be raised by the Backup Server when trying to execute a remote dump or load on a Backup Server with a version less than 15.7SP60, or a version between 15.7SP101 and 15.7SP121. |
782685 | A 7128 error, "Text pointer value < value > references a data page which is no longer allocated. This text pointer references first text page < page # > , which belongs to object ID < object ID > .", may be reported when running SELECT command on LOB columns while concurrent DELETE command is also running on the same table. |
782907 | In rare circumstances an undetected deadlock may be seen among DUMP DATABASE, DUMP TRANSACTION and CREATE INDEX when these commands are executed on the same database concurrently. A 8213 error, "Failed to acquire address lock on object DDLOG", may result from the deadlock. |
782972 | Partition statistics is not retained when UPDATE STATISTICS is executed on a semantic partitioned table with ONLY 1 partition. |
783010 | In rare cases, a 14108 error, "Could not find partition descriptor for objid < > , indid < > , ptnid < > in dbid < > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an ALTER TABLE command is rolled back following some error. |
783192 | When textptr() and ORDER BY are both used in the same SELECT statement, textptr() may return bad text pointers if the target TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT column has NULL values. |
783288 | KBA 2162037 - Under some rare condition, SAP ASE could throw 707 error in mem__shrink_this_phdr() with calls to tdsrecv__dynexec_batch(), tdsrecv__process_batchparam(), tdsrecv__xoltp_finish(), memshrink() while cleaning up after dynamic SQL fails. |
783358 | Parallel Optimizer generated some parallel query plans with negative cost values. This fix is enabled under opt criteria CR782580. |
783601 | Killing a thread executing UPDATE STATISTICS on a column with highly-duplicate values causes a signal 11 in stat_sargden_accumulate(). |
783649 | Print fact table hint diagnostic information to showplan output. |
783679 | SIG 11 in CgEvals::_CgCompVcol and stacktrace including CgEvals::_CgCompAggOp(), CgGenLava::CGConsOrScanOp(), and CgpIndScan::cgpORJoin()occurs when a value in IN list of a query coming from subquery select list. |
783700 | DDLGen generates "sp_dbextend clear" statement to clear the expansion policy, before "sp_dbextend" set statements in the ddl output for a database device. |
783860 | The qrmutil tool may return an exit status of 0 even when when the command fails. |
784069 | A 3957 error, “New transaction cannot be started due to an ongoing HADR deactivate operation.”, may be reported when a DML command that is part of an already running user active transaction is incorrectly terminated while sap_failover < site1 > , < site2 > , < timeout_in_seconds > is executed. Moreover SAP Business Suite applications can run into data consistency errors since SAP Business Suite does not reapply lost transactions when error 3957 is raised. The expected behavior is that active transactions will not be interrupted when sap_failover < site1 > , < site2 > , < timeout_in_seconds > is run. |
784106 | The command "alter encryption key key_udp with passwd login_passwd recover encryption with passwd 'newpasswd1'" hit signal 11 as the key copies protected with login password should not be used for key recovery. |
784184 | SAPNOTE 2208380 In rare cases, a query with nonclustered local index returns zero rows but there are qualified rows actually, if the table is semantic partitioned table and the index is created with Lava-based parallel create index. |
784560 | New feature request to let the external SAP backup server API file name use more than 30 characters as well as to accept other characters that are not just letters, numbers or '_' in the name. |
784716 | With CR 689004, different values of @@rowcount may be obtained when the configuration parameter “send doneinproc tokens” is set to 0 when compared with earlier releases. The old (incorrect) behaviour may be required by some applications. To restore the old behaviour, enable trace flag 11002 |
784809 | KBA2181421. ERP/ASE upgrade via SUM fails with stack overflow in csimtx_lock- > ea_bufencrypt |
784994 | The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ra__relocate_dol_vals' or 'ra__relocate_apl_vals' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra__ci_scanner_scan' and 'ra__process_xrowimage' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while the Rep Agent process is processing a datarow for a table having not null non materialized default columns. |
785084 | In rare circumstance a 247 message "Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of UNSIGNED INT value '4294967295' to a INT field" may be raised when running sp_helpartion after database recovery. |
785103 | In rare circumstances, a 605 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '' from cache ''. Page belongs to < > and not to < > .", or a 697 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '' for < > from cache ''. Wrong logical page '' was found in cache.", or a 12546 error "During undo the timestamp to be assigned to a page is less than the current page timestamp. Page = '', object id = < > , page timestamp = (x y), new page timestamp = (p q), or an 806 error "Could not find virtual page for logical page '' in database < > ' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log by an 'online database' command when preceded by a sequence of load trans of transaction logs that contain at least one incomplete transaction pertaining to online reorg rebuild. |
785132 | KBA 2188555 - Killing a nested user defined functions UDFs may cause a timeslice error to be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. |
785196 | On a Solution Manager system, spids executing UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS may appear hang in the module ptn__datachange_reset(). |
785218 | Error 622 could be seen followed by error 3702 at the time of drop of that object if compatibility mode is ON and a query with LIKE clause is run. |
785237 | Error 691 "Encountered invalid logical page 'pgno' while accessing 'ptninfo'. This is an internal system error. Please contact SAP Technical Support." maybe reported, when several parallel create local index run at same time. |
785333 | KBA 2186543. An infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) at decompress_column_by_colid() may be encountered during upgrade from SAP ASE 12.5 to SAP ASE 15.7. |
785377 | TRUNCATE of a specified partition may sometimes may truncate the wrong partition when there exists a partition name for the table whose partition name starts with the full partition name of the partition that is intended to be truncated. e.g. if partition name "week1" was requested to be truncated and there was also a partition name on the table called "week14", then "week14" may be truncated instead of "week1". |
785404 | ESP (extended stored procedure) execution may fail if overall path of the ESP DLL is more than 99 characters or more (including the name of the DLL). |
785441 | In rare circumstances, when online partition utility is running, an infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. |
785504 | KBA 2181636 - When loading a database dump that contains CIS proxy tables with LOB columns that map to remote tables on a system that doesn't support text pointers, the load sequence will be incorrectly broken if SAP ASE is restarted, because the database recovery will incorrectly create one transaction for each of these proxy tables. |
785546 | ASE has extended syntax support for T-SQL UPDATE / DELETE statements that cannot be handled by remote non ASE server. This causes serious performance problem and this fix resolves that problem. |
785554 | Under UTF8 sort order 99, if a composite index contains a leading NULL VARCHAR field, REORG REINDEX may not be able to rebuild the index. |
785591 | A 2956 error, "Unable to grab a buffer to encrypt logical page < page_id > in database < db_id > " followed by a stack trace involving the modules 'cm__wash_mass_lru' and 'bufawrite' may be reported in the error log when accessing an encrypted database. |
785644 | KBA:2185800 - When there is a comment line in stored procedure text with odd number of "*", error 724 raised in auditing process. |
785668 | Sometimes CREATE ROLE creates role with an invalid 'status' column value in system catalog SRSSRVROLES. |
785680 | KBA 2182469 - Sometimes, if we found the queries in a stored procedure can't do auto parameterization, error 2805 remapping error could be raised during recompilation if 'plan load' & 'literal autoparam' are enabled. |
785701 | In rare circumstances, a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < > , object id = < > ..." may be reported during boot time recovery or when loading a transaction dump that includes an online REORG REBUILD or a CREATE INDEX command, if in the earlier portion of the log or the load sequence included an online CREATE INDEX with deferred recovery. |
785775 | On UNIX platforms the integrated database server JRE may during the initialization phase unexpectedly crash and implicitly shut down the database server producing the file 'hs_err_PID.log'. |
785795 | KBA 2187216. Some queries may cause memory leak against 16sp01 and up if value of configurable parameter 'enable monitoring' = 1. Queries referencing partitioned tables may leak more memory than using non-partition tables for this issue. Signal 11 in Gbitstr::Gbitstr() may happen and related stack trace may include C++ constructor "LeAPScanContext::LeAPScanContext" when the ASE host machine is low of free memory or swap space. The fix will be in 16.0SP01PL03 and 16.0SP03. |
785831 | KBA 2167111: Explicit conversion errors "Explicit conversion from datatype 'IMAGE_LOCATOR' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed" with auditing on in conjunction with dynamic SQL and statement cache. |
785919 | REORG DEFRAG does not update 'delete row count' value in 'systabstats' table appropriately when number of deleted row per allocation unit exceeds '65535'. |
785923 | Reduce the likelihood of deadlocks contention if a unique index exists on a table. |
786031 | When SAP ASE runs out of locks and a 1204 error is reported, the HADR primary check heart beat process is terminated with a stack trace reported in the SAP ASE error log which includes the modules ‘hadr_primarycheck_proc’ and ‘hadr_getremote_status’. |
786104 | Using ALTER TABLE ADD column_name IDENTITY sets the wrong attributes in syscolumns. |
786126 | In rare cases, when doing parallel CREATE INDEX in tempdb or in a low durability database, error 3478 (the timestamp on the page is older than the log new timestamp in the log record) may be reported during rollback of the transaction while an OAMCREATE log record is rolled back. Alternatively error 1142 (invalid OAM page) may be reported during the rollback of a parallel REORG REBUILD. |
786283 | In rare cases, if a transaction performing INSERT on table with LOB columns gets rolled back due to HADR force de-activation with message 3958, command rollback happens instead of transaction rollback. |
786412 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module fix_multiref() followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'remove_illegal_const' may be reported in the error log when 'abstract plan load' and 'enable literal autoparam' are enabled and runtime recompilation has happened. |
786420 | KBA 2201449: A 15413 error, "An internal error occurred during an encryption operation (error code < n > ). Please contact SAP Technical Support", may be reported when selecting data from encrypted columns. |
786474 | The monLocks table, may only report a subset of locks from syslocks.. |
786478 | The 9502 error may be reported incorrectly when using a UNIVARCHAR column with a NULL value with statement cache enabled. For example, when inserting a NULL value into the column through a JDBC prepared statement. |
786540 | When auditing is enabled, the spurious message, "kernel ksnetctlrSanity: vsn 6622 psn 165 kpid 1503595925 flags 0xc0000020, events 0x8", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on the Solaris platform. |
786552 | KBA 2189913. CREATE OR REPLACE procedure does not preserve execution mode when replacing a procedure. |
786588 | An 8201 error, "Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table for table...", accompanied by a stack trace that includes the modules 'des__clean' and 'des__scavenge' may be reported in the error log in some high concurrency scenarios. |
786594 | It can take a long time to return all rows from MDA tables if the result set is very large. |
786618 | KBA 2192618: On AIX Platform, xpserver fails to start with error messages: "exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program xpserver because of the following errors: 0509-150 Dependent module could not be loaded. 0509-022 Cannot load module 0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist." This shared object is not distributed with SAP ASE or the SAP Connectivity SDK. |
786672 | A 594 error, "The UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF to the cursor ' < name > ' failed because column ' < name > ' being updated was not specified in the SELECT list", may be reported when an updatable cursor has an internal query. |
786692 | The command LOAD DATABASE from < archive > with listonly=create_sql may incorrectly report the options INDEX_COMPRESSION or ENCRYPT WITH < keyname > for the CREATE and ALTER DATABASE commands, when the dump file belongs to an older SAP ASE version where these options did not exist. |
786727 | In rare cases, when doing parallel REORG REBUILD in tempdb or in a low durability database, error 3478 (the timestamp on the page is older than the log new timestamp in the log record) may be reported during rollback of the transaction while an ALLOC log record is rolled back. |
786728 | ASE may encounter timeslice error in lock_antiherit(), while queries are executed in parallel mode for a 'partition locking' enabled table. |
786756 | When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode while reconnecting to SAP Replication Server following a retry-able error, the SAP RepAgent scanner process should start from the last secondary truncation point saved in the database. |
786780 | In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with signal 11" in the module OptGlobal::_GblAddTopLevel() together with a stack trace which includes the module emitMatchProperties() may be reported when running a complex query. |
786808 | The message, "SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Fatal Error: Database emulator failed while executing command 161", will be printed in the Backup Server error log and a DUMP command will abort if the database being dumped is created on ZFS file system and the backup server is started with trace flag -D512. |
787016 | KBA 2224574 - If SAP ASE configured to use native threads encounters a segmentation fault (infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)) whilst dumping shared memory (a the dump configured with multiple dump threads) then SAP ASE may crash. |
787019 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'qualpage' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rep_agent_config' and 'attrib_getrow' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing the built-in rep_agent_config() on an offline database after having loaded a 12.5.4 database dump into it. |
787024 | When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, the primary database may run out of log space if most of the activity in this database is performed on non-replicated objects. |
787054 | KBA 2197694:signal 11 at Pop < ParallelCost, ParallelProps > ::popIsCollocated() when running complex query with CIS table. |
787073 | Error 1295 "server Unconditional lock request for table or page 3294402936, dbid 0 was made while holding a latch." might be reported when index compression is enabled. |
787084 | When Adaptive Server is running the query processor in compatibility mode, queries with tables having predicated privileges will not work. |
787093 | In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module SeHyPsStarQueryRule::_RuleCompositeIdxMatch together with a stack trace may be reported in the error log when using the fact_table optimizer hint in the input Abstract Plan. |
787167 | A create table may with error 2799 - "' < cmd > ' command failed because ' < option > ' is not enabled. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must reconfigure ' < name > ' to 1." if the database was created with page compression enabled and then compression was disabled. |
787228 | At SAP ASE startup the following error message may appear in the errorlog, "Error: 3701, Severity: 11, State: 1, Cannot drop the encryption key 'syb_xpskey*', because it doesn't exist in the system catalogs." |
787246 | Under rare circumstances, running shrink-database simultaneously with online reorg rebuild can cause a timeslice error to be reported by shrink-database. |
787508 | The execution_time column in system table sysprocesses is wrongly including the time for processes in "AWAITING COMMAND" state. The execution_time is also incorrectly calculated as 0 for the worker processes of paralleled queries. |
787555 | In the context of synchronous replication if a transaction is aborted during forced deactivation while a task is idle, the task will be allowed to commit the aborted transaction in case the primary is reactivated and the task was not marked for termination during deactivation. |
787692 | The monProcedureCacheModuleUsage and monProcedureCacheMemoryUsage tables might report zero in HWM column although the Active column is not zero. |
787699 | Dbcc checktable will report error 7928 after creating the index in 'ONLINE' mode on empty table if concurrent DML queries cause addition of new index level. Index %.*s is not consistent; found %s leaf rows but %s data rows. Drop and recreate the index. |
787765 | In the context of synchronous replication SAP Replication Server may report 'NCWait' status in ReadState column in the output from 'admin who' even if the transaction was written on disk by SAP ASE. |
787900 | An incorrect path provided for the SSL Certificate file does not lead to an error being reported. |
787904 | sp_showplan is enhanced as follows: (1) Print "Total rows" from sp_showplan with 'FULL' or 'LONG' option by default. (2) Print sql text and object list from sp_showplan with 'SHORT' option. (3) Add number of rows in the object list output. |
787966 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stacktrace that includes the module mda_fill_and_send_monProcessObject() may be reported in the error log when running the query, "insert #monProcessObject select from master..monProcessObject" |
788080 | On the IBM AIX platform, xp_cmdshell executions may fail with the error message: "Could not load library < $SYBASE > / < $SYBASE_ASE > /lib/" |
788127 | When there is a hint in sysqueryplans, the AP hint in plan clause of a query will be ignored. When there is no AP hint in sysqueryplans, AP hint in plan clause will be used. This feature is enabled by new configuration option "abstract plan dynamic replace". |
788148 | The shutdown of job scheduler will hang if Job Scheduler Agent's user connection failed with following error message repeated continuously in the JS Agent error log "Client message: ct_connect(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out". |
788212 | A timeslice error in the module 'optlookup' may occur if a stored procedure which contains a DUMP TRANSACTION command on encrypted database is executed several times. |
788226 | The 325 error, "Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement", may be reported when fact_table abstract plan hint is used with DELETE statements. |
788228 | When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, the time reported by sp_hadr_admin 'failover_timeestimate' may be inaccurate when SAP RepAgent is not running. |
788311 | DDLGen reports the error, "UDM9: Critical internal application error occurred", when DDL is generated for a database and that database contains user defined messages. |
788334 | In ASE Cluster Edition, for node local databases (SIDB, TEMPDB etc.), isolation level 3 inserts may allow phantom rows. |
788353 | KBA 2208560: XPServer behaviour change for running shell scripts from SP135 onwards |
788369 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'blkioFlagIsSet' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'utpmApplyAll' and 'kaclkintr_thread' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log resulting in ASE being unable to shut down itself gracefully that will require SAP ASE to be killed at OS level. |
788474 | KBA 2211717: Under some rare condition, if columns in a table have more than one constraints (not necessary in the same column), it can cause invalid rows to be inserted. |
788552 | In rare circumstances, index creation in 'ONLINE' mode will encounter singal 11, when it is executed on an APL table with several concurrent DML queries. |
788562 | Parallel queries may terminate early without returning all the required rows. |
788702 | The 3475 message, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database 'tempdb'", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log for database tempdb, when a log fragment was previously dropped from tempdb using sp_dropsegment. |
788769 | The message "current process infected with 11" in the module ‘mda__populate_RepScannersTable’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘mda_exec’ and ‘mda_populate_monRepScanners’ may be reported in the error log when a query on the master..monRepScanners table is run and while the Replication Agent is shut down concurrently. |
788952 | In rare circumstance, dbcc shrinkdb_setup() may not be able to correct text back link for text/image/unitext columns of tables that are set to be replicated. |
789086 | UPDATE does not fire the trigger for UPDATE of the table through cursor. |
789109 | The error 'uncompress(): Input data corrupted' could be raised when loading a compressed dump created either using the Backup Server API "compress::" or the command option WITH COMPRESSION [= 1..9]. |
789128 | In some situations, Adaptive Server Enterprise may reject the fact_table hint when large IN-list materialization takes place. |
789186 | New traceflag 7168 is provided for restricted use to make builtin textptr() return NULL for NULL value of text/image/unitext columns. |
789251 | KBA 2218075 - In rare circumstances unexpected results could be returned when a query involving a LIKE clause is executed inside a stored procedure run WITH UPGRADE option (or which required to be upgraded internally from source text) and the LIKE clause references input parameters defined in the stored procedure. |
789263 | When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, additional validations are added whenever a table schema is send to SAP Replication Server. When SAP RepAgent trace flag 9208 is enabled related diagnostic messages will be reported. |
789323 | The message, "The log for database < dbname > includes a CREATE INDEX (with deferred roll-forward) operation that is incompatible with this server version and operating environment." may be reported during LOAD TRAN if the transaction dump contains an index that will be recovered as deferred item during the LOAD TRAN recovery. |
789426 | When IMDB is used with multiple cachelets and the database size is altered, then SAP ASE may report error 899, "The page < page > requested for in-memory < objinfo > was not found in in-memory storage cache ' < name > ' (id < n > ). Please contact SAP Technical Support." |
789613 | In some situations ddlgen generates incorrect permission ddls in the output for a stored procedure where the grantee information is not generated. |
789675 | The p_drv_bcpmetadata stored procedure is enhanced in order to improve the performance of jConnect ENABLE_BULK_LOAD. |
789944 | Under some rare situations, updating a table through a IOT (instead of trigger) could result in error 16863. |
789945 | Under some circumstances, hash based parallel scan strategy may not be used for partitioned tables even when plldegree is set for the table. |
789967 | In rare circumstances, a 12308 error, "Invalid row id (Row < > , Page < > ) encountered in the table 'T' in database 'D'" or a 614 error "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of < n > while in data base 'X' ..." may be reported by a REORG REBUILD index or a DML following REORG DEFRAG on a table. |
790184 | 1. Print message "Optimized using an Abstract Plan (ID : %d)." when simple ap hints like (use optgoal sap_olap) (use parallel 4) (use fact_table F) in sysqueryplans are reused by queries. 2. When there is no entry for a query in sysqueryplans and plan dump is on, plan hint like (use optgoal sap_olap) (use parallel 4) (use fact_table F) can be saved in sysqueryplans under configuration "abstract plan dynamic replace". 3. When both of "abstract plan dynamic replace" and "abstract plan replace" are turned on, "abstract plan replace" will be ignored. The ap in sysqueryplans won't be replaced. |
790223 | The str_replace() function returns a much wider result when the pattern string is a function or variable rather than a quoted string literal. |
790265 | The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'ds_destroy_table' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'exec_dbcc' and 'checkalloc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC CHECKALLOC is interrupted by a Control-C. |
790394 | In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'dbt_unkeep' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'close_range' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query uses a worktable. |
790406 | A 14108 error, "Could not find partition descriptor for objid < > , indid 255, ptnid < > in dbid < > .", together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘get_txtpage’ and 'inserttext’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of an UPDATE command while attempting to move a LOB datum from in-row to off-row. |
790436 | Under some rare conditions, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module memset(), followed by a stack trace that includes the modules comnb_i4tonum() and set_cast_truncate() may be reported in the error log when converting from int to numeric. |
790463 | Procedure cache may get full with multiple plan copies of single stored procedure involving DDL inside a transaction. |
790473 | The command DBCC CHECKSTORAGE() can report the error 'Compressed length ( < value > ) is too big. File probably corrupted.' in the SAP error log, if executed on an archive database that is created on a compressed dump. |
790582 | The 4325 error, "The specified recovery date is not between the start and end date.", may be reported when executing the LOAD TRAN WITH UNTIL_TIME generated by LOAD DATABASE WITH LISTONLY,UNTIL_TIME, if the selected time is between the time of the last transaction in the dump and the moment the dump transaction is executed. |
790654 | The %SYBASE_ASE%\bin\optase.vbs script reports an invalid 'exit' statement if the specified memory is lower than the required size. |
790983 | A 3475 error, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database ' < name > ' ( < id > )", may be reported when the difference between the last change threshold and a user defined threshold for the log segment is less than 128 pages. |
791146 | KBA 2231172 - If a stored procedure has a 'select into temp table' and a session running the stored procedure is chosen to be the deadlock victim, error 267 will be raised after error 1205. |
791207 | A 702 error, "Memory request for < > bytes exceeds the size of single page of < > bytes.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'writetext’ and 'memalloc’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if an in-row LOB column is updated using SAP OCS APIs. |
791364 | Under certain situations, for queries involving huge number of OR predicates, a kill spid may not be able to kill the spid during histogram processing in the optimizer. |
791390 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'xpd_swap_msb_i2' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lddb__unscr_phys_page' and 'lddb_unscramble' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a cross-platform DATABASE LOAD command. |
791453 | The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'tally_fetch' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tally_fetch' and 'showplan' might be reported in the error log if system stored procedure sp_showplan is executed at the point that the related table is to be closed during the execution of a query from the target process. |
791654 | A 2620 error, "The offset of the row number at offset < > does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page: Page pointer = < > , pageno = < > , status = < > , ptnid = < > , indexid = < > , level = < > , pnextrno = < > .", may be reported when loading a transaction dump either from SAP ASE 15.7 SP60, or 15.7 SP110 version, into SAP ASE 16.0 GA version. |
791767 | A 2620 error, "The offset of the row number at offset < > does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page: Page pointer = < > , pageno = < > , status = < > , ptnid = < > , indexid = < > , level = < > , pnextrno = < > .", may be reported when loading a transaction dump from either SAP ASE 15.7 SP60, or 15.7 SP110 version, into SAP ASE 16.0 GA version. |
791847 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", may be reported in the Adaptive Server error log after starting XPserver with traceflag 8022 (turn off enhanced security) enabled. |
791857 | KBA: 2238339 - one table have two same index. A table may contain two indexes with same name, if there are two CREATE INDEX commands with same name on same table which running at same time. |
792001 | When ap load/dump is not enabled, trace flag 16944 is turned on to parameterize the sql text used for sysqueryplans. But the sql text in create plan command is not parameterized. This CR is used to enable parameterization working for create plan even without ap load/dump enabled. |
792062 | The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'mda__populate_RepScannersTable' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'mda_exec' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while a query of the MDA table monRepScanners is executed if ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication. |
792089 | A DUMP or LOAD from or to database devices created on veritas file system on HP could hang if the backup server is started using the trace flag -D1024 to enable posix async I/O. |
792195 | During an UPGRADE or a DUMP and LOAD from different versions of the SAP ASE server, execution of extended system stored procedures raises an incorrect 2851 error. |
792211 | In rare circumstances, where SAP ASE is configured to use character set GB18030 and after data is inserted into a TEXT column which is not defined to be compressed, then a DBCC CHECKTABLE may report a 7951 error, "Data size mismatch while checking a text value. The first page for this value is < page id > , partition ID < partition id > . < value > characters were found; however, the expected length is < value > characters.". |
792339 | A query on the monOpenObjectActivity table in which the DBID, ObjectID and IndexID columns are fully specified in the where cause may cause a 3702 error in another connection if that connection attempts to drop the same table that the query on monOpenObjectActivity is analyzing at the same time. |
792471 | When using resource governor lock_count limit in ASE Cluster Edition and the threshold is reached, process might be infected with SIGSEGV while trying to release locks and the cluster instance will shutdown. |
792483 | In rare case, if DOL table with datapages lockschema has unique index, concurrent DML may hit index corruption (error 12313 "Insert into page id < page # > of index id < index # > of table ' < table name > ' (id = < id # > ) in database ' < db name > ' tried to replace undeleted RID ( < > , < > ) at slot < slot # > and ridposn < # > . Try dropping and recreating the index."). |
792515 | A segmentation fault may occur in the query of monSpinlockActivity when the spinlock has just been released at the time the query examines the spinlock. |
793766 | The message "ulvspinlock: spinlock being released improperly." or "ulpspinlock: spinlock order violation" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on Solaris M-Series machines when the diagserver binary is used. |
794556 | Executing multiple queries on the monMemoryUsage MDA table may result in reduction in the amount of free memory available in the SAP database server's Global Fragment Pool. This may cause further queries on the monMemoryUsage table or other commands in the server to fail. |
- AIX 64bit
- HP-UX on IA64 64bit
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CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP01 PL03, ASE SP01 PL03, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug, SP01 PL03 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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