How to check if the Apple APNS ports 2195, 2196 and 5223 are opened in the firewall for IOS device enrollment with SAP Afaria?
- SAP Afaria 7.x
- SAP Afaria 6.x
SAP Afaria 6.6 ; SAP Afaria 7.0
error, apns, 2195,2196,5223, check, telnet, command, apple, firewall, ons1201, Fail-MDM, sspi, ons2000, ons1053, ons1031, profile, payload, failed, config, installation, scep, fail, mdm, outbound, notification, client, doing, nothing, exception, XSNotifyClient.NotifyClients, test, apsp, wifi, wireless, apply, policy, ios, proxy, internet, wlan, enrollment , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , How To
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