SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2204476 - How Pre-Screening Questions Feature Works in Recruiting Module - Recruiting Management


How 'Required', 'Disqualifier', 'Score', 'Weight', and 'Required Score' parameters work in pre-screening questions feature of recruiting and how 'Rating' is calculated for the applicants based on their answers to questions.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


There are different scenarios shown below based on different parameters used, and applicant's answers to questions to demonstrate how pre-screening questions feature works in recruiting.

Note: There are four candidates used - 'Test_SF Dummy', 'Test_SF Dummy2', 'Test_SF Dummy3' and 'Test_SF Dummy4' to test different scenarios


Scenario 1: 4/5 questions are ‘Required’, 1 question is a Disqualifier, 3 questions are marked ‘Score’ and no question has weightage. ‘Required Score’ is 0.0


The candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy’ answered all the questions correctly therefore moved to ‘New Application’ status and rating is ‘N/A’ as weights given is 0.0


Scenario 2: When weightage were given to all the questions who are marked ‘Score’. Also, ‘Required Score’ was set to ‘50’.

Note: The total weight of all the questions need not be 100. It could be ‘<’ or ‘=’ or ‘>’ 100


The candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy2’ answered first and fourth questions wrongly but was not disqualified (how? Shown below) and got rating ‘71.43’ (calculation shown below)


How Score is calculated which is compared with ‘Required Score’ to qualify or disqualify the candidate who applied for the job?

The candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy2’ answered first and fourth questions wrongly. Hence, these two questions will not be considered while calculating score. So, the overall score for this candidate is calculated as:

Weightage of question 2 + weightage of question 3 = 30.0 + 20.0 = 50.0

The ‘Required Score’ is 50.0 therefore this candidate achieved the minimum score of 50, hence qualified.

Note: If a question is given weightage but not marked ‘Score’ then the weight of the question is not considered in calculating overall score for a candidate though the candidate has given the correct answer for it.

How Rating is calculated?

Rating is calculated as the percentage of correctly answered questions which are marked ‘Score’ out of total questions which are given weights irrespective of marked ‘Required’ or answered wrongly or correctly.

  • Rating is calculated on weight given to each question
  • Rating is dependent on ‘Score’ but independent of ‘Required’

In this case, the candidate’s rating is calculated as below

First, add the total weights of all the questions. In this case, it comes to (20.0+30.0+20.0+0.0+0.0) = 70.0.

Second, add the weights of all the questions which are marked Score and answered correctly by the candidate. In this case, first, second and third questions are marked Score but only second and third questions were answered correctly by candidate hence, total score will be (30.0+20.0) = 50.0

So, in this case the Rating of the candidate will be [(50.0/70.0)*100]=71.43

Scenario 3: When weight is assigned to a non-required and non-scored question. In this case, weight of 40.0 is assigned to fourth question which is not marked ‘Required’ and ‘Score’.


The candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy3’ answered all the questions correctly except question number 2. He got disqualified because he could not achieve the Required Score of 50.0

He achieved only score of (20.0+20.0) = 40.0 which is less than 50.0 hence, disqualified. He got ‘Rating’ of 36.36 as shown below

[{(20.0+20.0)/(20.0+30.0+20.0+40.0)}*100] = 36.36


Scenario 4: When the third question is not marked ‘Required’


The candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy4’ answered correctly all questions except first one. He got disqualified because he could not achieve the Required Score of 50.0

He achieved only 30.0 (less than 50.0) because the second question is marked both ‘Required’ and ‘Score’. Third question will not add up to his score though he answered it correctly because third question is not marked ‘Required’. This means while calculating score of a candidate only that question will be taken into consideration if it is marked ‘Required’ and ‘Score’ and answered correctly.

He got ‘Rating’ of 45.45 as shown below

[{(30.0+20.0)/(20.0+30.0+20.0+40.0)}*100] = 45.45


Scenario 5: When the weight of a question is changed. In this case, weight of the question first is changed to 40.0 from 20.0


The two applicants who are in ‘Automatic Disqualified’ status now can be moved to ‘New Applicants’ status if we choose the option ‘Yes’ shown below. If we choose option ‘No’, these two candidates will not be moved to ‘New Applicant’ status and will remain in ‘Automatic Disqualified’ status


If we choose option ‘Yes’, ‘Rating’ will be re-calculated for those already existing candidates who were affected by this change. In this case, candidates ‘Test_SF Dummy3’ and ‘Test_SF Dummy4’ will have Ratings 46.15 and 38.46 respectively.

While for the candidates who were already qualified the ‘Rating’ will remain as it is and will not be re-calculated.


Scenario 6: When question second is not marked ‘Score’.


Two applicants will be auto disqualified if we choose the option ‘Yes’.


We chose the option ‘Yes’ and the candidates ‘Test_SF Dummy2’ and ‘Test_SF Dummy4’ got auto disqualified. How?

Candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy2’ – He answered first and fourth questions wrongly, so we left with questions 2nd and 3rd to calculate the score but question 2nd is not marked ‘Score’ hence, we will consider only question 3rd for score. Therefore, candidate scored only 20.0 which is less than 50.0 hence, got auto disqualified.

Similarly, we can calculate for candidate ‘Test_SF Dummy4’. He scored 20.0 which is less than 50.0 hence got auto disqualified.

Note: ‘Rating’ was also re-calculated for those candidates who got affected by the change


Scenario 7: When all questions were not marked ‘Score’


Rest of the New Applicants will get auto disqualified if we choose the option ‘Yes’


We chose the option ‘Yes’ and two New Applicants got auto disqualified and we have all the four candidates in ‘Automatic Disqualified’ status. Reason being when ‘Score’ is not checked against the questions its weight will be taken as 0.0 while calculating the score of a candidate though the actual weight mentioned is something else. So, all the candidates in ‘New Applicant’ status will have score 0.0 which is less than 50.0 hence, got auto disqualified.

Note: ‘Rating’ was also re-calculated for those candidates who got affected by the change (unchecked ‘Score’ for questions)


Scenario 8: When all questions were marked ‘Score’ and ‘Required Score’ was set to 0.0


All the four candidates will be moved to ‘New Applicant’ status from the status ‘Automatic Disqualified’ if we choose option ‘Yes’


We chose option ‘Yes’ and all the four candidates got moved to ‘New Applicant’ status. ‘Rating’ also got re-calculated for all the four candidates.

If we choose the option ‘No’, neither the status nor the ‘Rating’ of all the candidates will change


It’s not recommended to change the job requisition’s questions when it is already posted on career sites and candidates have started applying for it because the changes will affect the existing candidates who have already applied for the job.

If it is really necessary to change the questions on already posted job requisition then Recruiter can utilize the options ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

‘Yes’ will change the Status and ‘Rating’ of existing candidates who have already applied for the job.

‘No’ will not change the Status and ‘Rating’ of existing candidates who have already applied for the job.

‘Score’ and ‘Weight’ do not affect the ‘Rating’ and score of a candidate for a disqualifier question. If the question is answered correctly the candidate will not be auto disqualified. If the question is answered wrongly the candidate will be auto disqualified.

See Also

2542137 - Pre-Screening Questions - Frequent asked questions

2643722 - How to add / edit / import questions on Question Library - Recruiting Management


Pre-Screening Questions; Screening Questions; , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , LOD-SF-RCM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions